New Modor drum machine - DR2

Sure. I’m assuming that it sounds as good as the Nord, which I quite like, and is otherwise a similarly-flexible drum synth, but is more readily available as it’s actually in production. If it doesn’t sound as good, I’m even less interested.

TBH, the sounds are exactly what I would love out of a digital drum machine. You make your own discoveries when you begin programming and processing.

For that money, though, I don’t think they are going to make the mark they want to if they want to survive the current market. Even if they did an -m version, is that going to be $600-$800? If so, then why not just get a Digitakt and have a better sequencer?

I think all of their machines thus far have been very interesting. If my dad had been an oil baron and left me everything, I would absolutely exercise the privilege of my caste and buy their machines just to design sounds with their approach to DSP. But in a market where every other competitor maximizes features-for-the-money, Modor remains a bit player with this drum machine.

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Yes it is, I love it, best volca. That waveguide effect is bringing it to another level. I would love to see that as an adon to the nts-1 or as an effect box

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they must’ve really spent way too much on research and development to come at us with such a high price point, especially on their first drum machine. im ok with being ambitious, but with the amount of drum machines available these days most people are going to spend their money elsewhere.

Haha I’d do it! I agree it looks cool but I think the sounds are a bit too standard for what it is. Would love some wonky physmod stuff



The intro is Horrid.

So far as I know , Modor are a small european Boutique synth company.
I havent seen one of these things in the flesh, nor any Modor product.

But its the same for any small boutique manufacturer of anything , that produces their own designs. It costs what it costs. The end.

Pretty sure Modor know they are not aiming to compete with anyone. That’s their drum machine, thats how much it costs.

Hitting price points in a market, comes when you have nailed down all your production costs. But there is no rule that says you have to screw down production costs to the minimum.

Anyway, props to the poster of all the Kink dancing videos! Hahaha!


You’re damned if you’re Behringer, you’re damned if you’re Modor. :smiley:

People complain about expensive things developed by small teams. People complain about inexpensive mass produced things.

I actually think this thing looks cool so far, but it needs a MUCH better demonstration. :smiley:


Have Modor confessed they’ve “made a really overly expensive drum machine by mistake” & slunk quietly away to have a long think yet…? If not, why not ? :sweat_smile:

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I’ve always seen Modor as the sort of company whose gear you see in all them studio tours on Telekom’s YouTube channel. Expensive, nice and mainly for the big boys to play with.
This seems to fit the same model.

No drama.


I have a NF1 and it really is a beast. Such a joy to play and program, it’s big fun. Big in a fysical way too: it’s huge, but that really works well. The UI is brilliant.

The sound is really special too. Not so much the standard stuff, but the more peculiar oscs. I don’t really use the USP much though, the formant filter, or only in small amounts to dial in some vocal flavour.

Back on topic: I do find this drum machine way too expensive and not special enough. There’s so much competition: the old MD holds up quite well, at first sight…


Pretty much. They’re a luxury item brand, or ‘the unusual and slightly odd’ brand.

A sort of digital version of Soma?

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Yeah, I guess you could say the price of the Pulsar 23 is ludicrous for a 4 voice drum machine.

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Careful dude, you sound like you’re applying critical thinking…


Sorry, I’ve been drinking.

Back on topic.

Modor should be ashamed of themselves or whatever.


Classic! :rofl:


I hope this is contagious!

that’s a much better pandemic idea


It is only 4 voice, but the one of a kind UI, unique stackable mod sources via alligator clips, and the fact that they are handmade in Russia make it less of a stretch than the DR2 imo. They are expensive, but I wouldn’t say it’s ludicrous based on its deep capabilities with only 4 voices and truly unique status. If you haven’t already I strongly suggest watching some demos of the Pulsar. If i had the money I would definitely buy.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I think the Pulsar is awesome and probably worth every penny. If I had the time to learn it, I’d be buying one immediately.
The DR2 does seem expensive for what it appears to be, but I’ve not seen much of it so it might be a lot deeper than it appears. Won’t buy one either way, because I’m neither cool, rich or living in Berlin enough to have one.*

*Not a criticism, just a joke.