New Modor drum machine - DR2

Haha I can certainly relate. Cheers!

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…this little brand from belgium…i was teased by the first nf sounds…
but it’s main sonic strength, in the end, turned out to be vowelish goa psy trance stax…
all the rest was way more easy to achieve with anything else, only without it’s painful menu maze of modulation matrix…

and now digital drums…hmmmm…might be the fact that no one is really presenting it’s uniqueness of any kind…but for now, i must say…lxr is way beyond this for 10% of that price…
to me it sounds like some ipad app for 5 bux so far…

while the last thing i need is more drum synth hardware…
and still…somas pulsar23 instead, catched my ears and my sonic heart right away with it’s first bump…

if i ever have a budget for drum synth hardware again…it goes to russia with love…
not to belgium…

no chance to afford 1500 bux for analog drums from russia at the moment…
but that is triggerin’ me again, to dive even deeper into my a4…fuk the gas…i got the best analog drum synth on the planet…also 4 voices “only”…yeah.


Another 4 voice analogue handmade in Russia - obviously not nearly as flexible - but much cheaper; maybe limited, but to my ear, what it does, it does extremely well. IMO, the hats and snare leave the Vermona DRM in the dust. Deserves more attention

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Penishead WTF?! :smile:

They should have had a demo like this right away. Sounds like some of the models have quite some sound design latitude. I could have fun with that. Though the overall sound has a lo-fi sheen to it that i m not fond of.

Are there any modulation sources though? Parameter locks? Lfo? A digital engine without any of these is really a shame.

Insert fx is a really nice touch though.

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It’s sounds ok but that continuous click on the kick drum is annoying

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I think the worst thing about this machine is using a screen like that in 2021 for a premium product

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…harsh tekkkno…or some standard average warmth overdrive sort of with a “little” help from a vintage tube monster pedal…hmmmm…seriously?

the only thing, that seems not pretty poor here…the price…
what a developers epic fail…
a big “i feel sorry for u” postcard to belgium…

The price is what it is- extremely expensive. Forgetting price for a moment however-

This thing is amazing. I’ve had the machine drum, analog rytm (all elektron boxes actually) Tr8s, 6s, Volca drum, tanzbar 2, drumbrute etc etc etc. Sound wise and playability wise, it’s as good as any drum machine I’ve used. Better than most.

This thing sounds so damn good and is super playable! It’s so easy to use and hands on, an absolute pleasure. If this were half the price I think people would be singing its praises.

Couldn’t be happier with it, but it’s definitely way too pricey. I finally got my tax return and spent it on this!


Anyone else have one or play one?

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…it’s all a more or less one man show/company based in belgium…

apart from pretty bad presentation, this pricetag only shows how much of a difference it makes, if u get ur pruduct to a certain level of mass production…

only good news here, this machine needs to sell only a few hundred units to make financial sense end of the day…but i’m afraid it never will…

looking at and listening to the hardware facts, it’s pricetag is almost shameless…
only argument to argue for good would be, if he’s assembling each single unit with his own hands from first screw to final case one after the other…

a good presentation, with some really new sonic attractions (which i hardly doubt there is) plus at least 30 % less in price would have made this project at least not playing dead on arrival right away…

so enjoy ur so damned good sounds that are super playable…but playing alone does’nt sound much like fun…

“so enjoy ur so damned good sounds that are super playable…but playing alone does’nt sound much like fun…“



I don t know if it s the cenk situation but I ve experienced quite an increase in grumpiness here in the last few days…


this is fun!
: )

…do i sound grumpy?

i was just mocking some typical it’s soooogrrreatanyways stereotype comment type of things…

but speaking of cenk…the presantations of THIS machine would have benefitted big time if he had done them…on the other hand…it’s doubtful if even he would have been able to sell it to us for real…

But how come you were mocking what I wrote? I was really excited by a new drum machine that doesn’t get spoken about often. What was worth mocking?


…was not worth any mocking if ur able to further elaborate on ur term “super playable”… :wink:

and besides, it’s totally ok…if it makes u happy, it makes u happy…no fuzz…and i was also once fallin’ for a modor product…while fact remains…u invested big money in an instrument with no past and no future…and from this perspective here, u gonna stay the only one…
while i’m pretty sure, if u run it through lots of pedals, at some point it will do the soma trick…

Playable means everything is incredibly quick and powerful. It’s possible to get an amazing sounding track going in seconds. Super logical lay out and big knobs. Some powerful sequence features too!


can you make a video?

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