New Modor drum machine - DR2

I’ll try to when I get home. All I have is an iPhone to shoot with but I’ll try my best. I’m the opposite of those nice fancy channels lol.

maybe a audio demo is more up to it, those iphone videos dont reveal anything. Let us hear that bangin machine. BPM 140 :slight_smile:

Stoked for you mate. Ignore the grump on this thread, for some reason people just love whinging about this drum machine.

You dont have to justify your love for the Modor, nor make videos for naysayers, everyone else can get bent. Your own taste is yours. No one elses.

What you do with with your money is your own business, if you dig that machine then fucking right on, You’ve found a drum machine that works for you. Doesnt matter what it “costs” does it? People forget, the price of our gear is insignificant next to I dunno, mountain biking, or skiing. Enjoy the storm trooper drum machine :metal:( it reminds me of a storm trooper) Make many tunes and enjoy .


As an ex-mountain biker, I can attest to this.

Like the star wars nerd says, just go and enjoy your new toy, fuck everyone else.


Such a nice sounding bit machine!

Really loved this whole post!! Thank you for the words of encouragement!


…at least we have a new name for this thing…gives it a soul and identity…

storm trooper drums…the super playable marching box…!

no matter what it sounds like, but that got a tone…all the rest is just money…

and if it’s fun for real…who cares…

and hell yesh…proof the world we’re wrong and show us some of that sonic fun U get out of it…but no too obvious hardcore tekkkno please…
and no visuals needed…we know what it looks like…

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I think that’s awesome! I’m glad you shared this perspective. Don’t worry about grumpy naysayers. This forum is precisely for sharing this excitement. enjoy the awesome machine and revel in its uniqueness.


I have never seen Game of Thrones, but it loomed large in popular culture for a while, and every time this topic comes up, I imagine a machine that can only say “Modor”.


Hats off for picking up a DR-2. Care to share any MD-specific comparisons?

Very interested in your thoughts on whether there are any highlights / lowlights in terms of the models and if the DR-2 broadly recaptures that ‘machine magic’ of freely assignable percussion layering.


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I had to return it. One of the buttons started getting inconsistent and wasn’t reliable. Also, when it was clocked from my mx-1, it would occasionally go out of sync.

Both those things just aren’t great on a 2000 dollar drum machine.

That said, if the price were to go down and the issues were fixed, I’d buy one in a heartbeat. It’s so fun, immediate, unique and amazing sounding.


Oof! :woozy_face:


Same reason I returned the Rytm Mk2 , faulty pads and buttons, and some weird behaviour I couldnt explain. Not cool when you’ve spent a couple of grand.

Yeah it was disappointing. But I’m holding out hope, and this drum machine got so much right!!

Sorry to hear this sad tale. Have you notified the manufacturers, and not just the store? They need to hear things like this.

…uijuijui…never trust a storm trooper…

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A beautiful drum machine that gives instant satisfaction.

Just picked one of these up. I had an Alpha Bass that sounded great, but I just couldn’t work with it.

Ive always wanted a great drum machine that’s, well…just a great drum machine. One that is easy to use, not too much menu diving so that it’s immediate. It needs to ooze a bit of class. Must have big, hands-on controls. But, I also want it to be slightly restrictive so you have to work with what you’ve got, which can also be liberating! Enter the Modor DR-2!

The sound is obviously important. This sounds big when you want it to and sonically pure. I thought about the Rytm and seen loads of videos, but i think the sound just doesn’t grab and too many options that stop the workflow. The DR2 has a great randomiser and even song mode. It has everything I need to produce original drum/percussion tracks. I think you have to try it to fully realise just how versatile this drum machine is.



If not for the couple of problems I had with mine, including the midi not always syncing properly and a failing trigger, I’d have kept it for sure. Pricey, but simple and sublime and I loved it!

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@Yebisu303 making it look good


The button spacing / placement… oh my days