New MOTU Ultralite MK5 announced!

Yea, do it.
My UL MK4 on a Mac running Ableton replaced an Allen & Heath 18 input digital mixer that also had loads of routing and fx.
MK5 is an equally good solution.

That’s the kind of advice I like.

Another upside is that anything that looks a bit ‘computery’ I can run through the business, get the VAT back, and offset against profits. Feels like you’re getting it for free pretty much.

A MOTU Ultralite MK5 could be anything as far as my accountant’s concerned.

Go ahead and get 10 then, and sell them out of your boot on the side of the road! :wink:


there’s a business model I can get behind.

what I owe you for the idea?

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Got mine from scan. Its a “computery” shop :wink:

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you reckon the VAT man will believe that an ‘Analog 4’ is a CMYK screen printer?

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Hello, could a kind Ultralight mk5 owner confirm if they can hear a faint audible high pitched noise when they put their ear near (less than 50cm) to the interface or if it’s silent. Seems to be constantly coming from the right side vent with only power connected.

I have just received mine and would like to know if this is a faulty component or part of the design. Unit works fine otherwise.

Thanks in advance.

Only switched mine on once but didn’t notice anything.

I’ll try and test again over the weekend.

Thank you.

I just listened to mine, and it’s perfectly silent. I put my ear right on it.

Quick update. I returned the unit and the replacement does not emit the noise.


How is everyone liking the Ultralite 5? I’m in the market for a new audio interface and this one looks like a good investment. I currently have a FocusRite Scarlett mk2, and I am interested in the DSP effects of the Motu.

I love it (Ultralite Mk5 on a Mac)

If you go with the ultralite, you can get you mac in the mix at the same time
(If you’re connecting this to your iPad)

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How do you do this? Because I do want to mix the Mac with the iPad. I thought it would require an ethernet port to achieve this like the other higher end models of MOTU interfaces.

derp…i forgot this is an ultralite thread and both models are called ultralite…

UltraliteAVB has an ethernet port and is basically the same price as the mk5…maybe 50$ more? i’m finding them used for about 400 or a bit over.

You’ll have to go direct. If you need a switch, you’ll need a AVB compliant one, which the motus seem to be the cheapest.

Yeah…I heard about that feature…pretty slick. There next to impossible to find though. No luck over here at least.

i use their AVB solution. for the audio part i couldnt be happier, but its not without its caveats

the big difference between the mk5 and ULAVB is the mixer software, which you’ll wanna look at 1st. the AVB is a browser based solution for the mix software and the mk5 has that ios app. if you’re gonna be spending a lot of time and use the interface as a software/digial mixer at the same time, you’re gonna wanna look at that 1st.

(i’m not a fan of the browser experience, but it work fine)

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So far so good with me on windows 10. Bye bye my mk3 driver issues.

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Those internal FX, the EQs …

1.) are they usable?
2.) do they only work for the TRS inputs or is it possible to apply them on additional channels via ADAT?
