New MOTU Ultralite MK5 announced!

I keep hearing about weird issues with caldigit hubs, now that you mention it I did notice some weird behavior when I first connected the ULmk5 to a hub but I assumed it’s just because there are other elektron machines and other devices on the same hub, so I connected directly to my mac and had no problems since.
usb hubs are weird… glad it’s resolved!

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I always put soundcards on their own dedicated port. Best not to share/hubs to avoid potential issues/bottle necks.


has anyone had any luck clocking their modular from the outputs on the Ultralite? I’m trying with both a Pams Pro Workout and a Squarp Hapax but neither even seem to detect the clock. I’ve verified that the pulse is coming out by plugging it into an audio input and I’m able to trigger a MATHS channel.

I’m able to clock both things from other modules so I think I’ve come down to the Ultralite being the issue? I’m using those Expert Sleepers floating ring cables. Anyone else have a similar setup and are using CV Tools or something similar to clock their modular? thanks!

Are you sending something into ‘Run’ in Pam’s to tell it to start? Also, Pam’s likes hi-res clock. 48ppqn I believe.

yep, it’s set to 48ppqn and a start signal is patched to Run. the signal just isn’t even being registered by Pam (nor my Hapax) so I think I’ve narrowed it down to the Ultralite as the issue. so strange.

I wonder what the output voltage is of the pulse from the MK5…

Maybe it’s not high enough to register with Pam’s? I have a MK5 and PNW here. Apart from the cables, what are you using to generate clock and start run?

If I have a moment, I can try and re-create it here.

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I setup CV Tools - Clock in Ableton. I can’t get the tempo set properly. At 24ppqn, the tempo on PNW is doubled. If I set ‘Clock’ to use ‘Normal’ and set the clock at 1/32, the highest it will go in that setting, the tempo is set to 90 on PNW. Ableton project is set to 135. So, I can’t find the setting to properly set the granularity in ‘Clock’. I would have to look if there’s a way on Pam’s to divide the incoming clock signal /2. Then you could use 24ppqn and just divide down the incoming clock.

Results though is it is responding to CV Tools - Clock from Ableton.

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Ahhh - thanks so much for looking into this! Yeah, my Pams Pro Workout isn’t responding at all to the clock. Like, it’s not detecting any signal at all.

I’m going to reach out to Motu and see if they have any suggestions because it does seem like the voltage isn’t strong enough coming from the Motu. I wish I had an oscilliscope in my rack.

The setup I used was to put a TRS insert cable (1x male TRS to 2x female TS) splitter in there. Just based on Expert Sleepers advice with DC coupled jacks. I took one of the TS out puts and used a 1/4" to 1/8" TS cable into Pam’s. definitely responded. If you have one of those types of TRS insert cables and an appropriate TS cable, you could try that. Rule out the ES floating ring cables as problematic. Just a thought

ah yep - I think I have one of those buried at the bottom of my storage locker. I’ll find it later today and test.

appreciate you digging into this with me!

ended up purchasing one of those cables to no avail.

but I figured it out, if anyone else has the same issue. CueMix was defaulting to sending everything from the main outs to every other output as well. so my clocks were getting combined with the main audio signal. after fixing that everything works as expected.


anyone knows if the Audio Tools software available for download somewhere and if it’s compatible with the ULmk5? I’m looking for a standalone monitoring tool and would love to have such thing but it’s not available in the Cuemix5 and I can’t find it anywhere on MOTU site, maybe someone knows?

I thought you could use Cuemix as a standalone monitor solution - i.e. no computer needed

you can run Cuemix5 as a standalone mac app or ipad app, but it has no analyzer of any kind besides input/output levels, looks like the older AVB version had built-in fft, spectrum, scope, stereo field analyzers, but there’s no such thing on the Cuemix5, so I thought maybe it’s possible to install it from elsewhere.

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I still have them installed from my Mk4, and they do work with the Mk5. I bet MOTU support would share them with you, but I’d be happy to share the package as well.

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is that app included in the AVB driver? I was uncertain if I need to install the driver and the app is inside or if it should be additional installation, I also was worried that having both drivers would cause some conflicts or something…

It was included in the AVB/Mk4 driver when I last installed it a while back. Both drivers coexist fine on my Intel and M1 macs.


thanks, I will try installing it

EDIT: works great! thanks!

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Great to know. I’m excited to check this out too!

Could you please share the link to the download?