New: RUINER by (d) / glitched

Please enjoy my new 10-track album, RUINER.

It’s hard, soft, glitchy, destructive, beautiful, and most importantly, interesting to listen to.
I want people to enjoy the music, but also be a little “challenged” by it, hopefully thinking, “wow, I’ve never heard something like that before.”

I’ll be happy to reveal some of the details of the production of these tracks in a bit, but rest assured this is another Elektron showcase.

The title track featured above, “ruiner,” is Model:Cycles-only, heavily effected by Noise Engineering efx.

To thank you for your support in the past, please use these free codes (download in 48k/24-bit FLAC/WAV for best auditory reproduction!):

EDIT: Codes all gone, for now. Follow me on twitter or IG, where I am more active (

Once again, thanks for the support @Elektron and fellow Elektronauts!

-d / glitched


used this one. thanks so much, loved your previous with the Digitone, so looking forward to this.


Congrats! Lovely stuff. Very glitched indeed. My favs so far are 5 and 6.

Ruiner reminds me of my old MDUW resampling glitch stuff. Except that didn’t have such pristine reverb :smile:

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Very good tracks!

Well done… i can hear a lot of model cycles in the air​:+1::top:

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I used lqnj-h454 and wow does this sound insane! I will definitely have to give this a proper sit-down listen.

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Thanks! I used : bs6w-j5pr

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Used this one.

Thanks so much.
Love your works.

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Me too ! (and it work!!)

@glitched, It’s very beautiful.

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Just having that title track for breakfast. Awesome as ever. Thanks! :black_heart:

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I used ele2-xhl5

Looking forward to check it out!

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Very good as usual !

used : cuht-b2w7

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Very inspirational stuff! Thanks for sharing

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Thanks for downloading/buying/listening! Your support is very appreciated.
We are all artists here, so devoting your ears to my music is quite complimentary.


I believe the music should stand on its own, but I understand that this is a synth/music-production type website, so I’m happy to write about the details of RUINER.

  1. spectra limita 03:36

Source: Model:Cycles, Digitone, sequenced by OT. OT sequences M:C’s sound-model. Spectral efx provide extra destruction.

  1. the black oil 07:30

Model:Cycles. Mainly “TONE” machines. Noise Engineering “Ruina” FX. Devolves into a spooky, granular mess.

  1. lighthouse 06:02

Octatrack, Analog four. I think the original sample (main percussive track) was Analog Four, too. I used Analog Heat for final spectral-shaping of the track.

  1. fluid latium 05:35

A spooky, sci-fi, melodic one, with a bit of destruction. A couple of instances of Noise Engineering’s Sinc Vereor VSTi, sequenced by OT. OT controls a bunch of parameters. Distorty, wave-foldy track effected by Ruina. First time I had used MIDI to control a VSTi, in a decade.

  1. octa resonation 6x12 04:21

My first time using OT’s pickup machines and it turned into something very cool. The source was Analog Rytm. Lots of OT FX.

  1. ruiner 08:08

Probably my favorite one. I hope people listen to this to the end; there’s lots of variation. Anyway, Model:Cycles through various efx.

  1. caution waves 04:32

Octatrack. Source: Model:Cycles. I was working on the Beta OS for Octa, and this was one of the results. Those eerie, phased things happened by accident: resampling the OT output through phaser efx or something. That ending pad is Analog Four. Again, used Analog Heat for final tone-shaping (especially high-end.)

  1. M:Cyclus 03:21

A quick M:C thing. Again, through Ruina distortion.
I love using the Chord machine for things other than chords–bass drums, snares, etc.

  1. poison-lined shores 06:03

Another ambient, soundtracky type of thing using OT’s pickup machines. I can’t remember what I sampled. It’s always something random, anyway, then it’s shaped in the OT. Song name is obviously referencing the Skinny Puppy song (“Shore lined poison.”)

  1. resonation chorus 03:27

OT pickup machine. Feedback, chorus, phasers, etc. Kind of a coda at the end of RUINER. A positive/hopeful tone.

Thanks again for your support!


Yes, definitely. Completely hovering.

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Really impressive sound design, especially the M:C manipulated tracks. Also nice SP reference!

Favorite: 7. caution waves

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Thanks! Much love. :3lektron:

Really good stuff. Harsh and noisy, complicated music. Do love.

Much respect!
Check out my new one @ , “If This Is The Last Time,” if you haven’t already.

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