New Synth: Roland Sh-4d

Good point! I would expect so - all reviewers mention the filter and amp is “generic”.

I looked at the manual this morning. Looking forward to try one - they really did a good job of removing most options that made the X/Xm complicated, while keeping some that are nice to have (LFO trig, “Analog feel” etc…)

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bummer if so. again solidifies the SH-4D as a portable sketchpad, to be paired with an external sequencer and dedicated drum machine whenever possible.

might dust off my TR8S when this arrives in a few weeks. i’m willing to give Roland LCD menu hell another shot if it means a more hands on experience. if all goes well, i’ll have to convert to the House of Roland and shelve my DT and DN for a while.

  • DT is my axe, but its global mixer is still bugged (so no external fader midi control)
  • DN voice count and sound design limitations become increasingly hard to justify when things like this hit the market

OT can stay though, no one does OT like OT;)

I just got my despatch confirmation. It’s coming tomorrow! Did you order one too?

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Anyone know if you can sequence the different tracks separately in different MIDI channels? So you can sequence drums and the synth simultaneously?

Yeah you can set a different midi channel for all 5 parts, it’s 5 part multitimbral…:+1:


The rhythm part does not have a mod matrix that I can see in the manual. The manual might not be 100% accurate.

You have the envelope on the sound layers, sound layer mix, per sound filter, per sound envelope, per sound eq, and tone fx on whole part. It’s unclear if the tone fx for the rhythm part can be modulated through automation. You can edit per step velocity and probability.

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This looks to be a great synth-y step based companion to Elektron gear.

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Cheers, no mod matrix on rhythm saves me a few hundred quid.
Better luck next time Roland :upside_down_face:

Edit, no mention of mod matrix in manual I know, hence asking a user… But the energy has gone now anyways :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I’m out!

I decided to cancel as well. Until more gear sells, and I think I’ll wait for used market to inevitably popup.

For cabling purposes, I wonder if the outputs are unbalanced TS or balanced TRS? The manual just states ‘Output jacks’. Anyone figure this out?

sadly not, hovered for too long!

weird how Scan seem to be the only UK retailer to have had them this early…ahead of all the proper music shops!

interested to hear how you get on with it - it remains on my radar :slight_smile:

My theory is that all the retailers have been sent a model for display and for creating YouTube demos etc., but Scan Computers probably have no desire to display a synth in their store so made the single unit available for purchase.

I’ll let you know how I get on, it just arrived!


don’t know why everyone is complaining about the design. Might not be a beauty but compared to the aira stuff it’s at least a step in the right direction


Scan have a fairly surprising amount of music gear on display in their showroom, it’s not actually a bad place to go and try things.


Yeah, it’s bland and boring, but at least doesn’t look ugly.

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I‘d expect unbalanced TS, like on other similarly priced Roland gear. :man_shrugging:

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It’s the missing wooden end cheeks :rofl:

The design is fine.


Best looking thing Roland has released since the 70’s. I like my synths black.

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It would look nice with some wood

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I’ve had a little play and it’s generally very nice, but I absolutely HATE the arpeggiator.

It has inherited the same problem from the MC-101/707 where it isn’t quantised to the clock. My timing really isn’t that great so it’s hard to play the arp without it sounding like shite. It’s not quite as bad as the MC-707 as everything you record gets locked to the grid, but I still had to try four or five times to record what I wanted properly without it entering notes into the wrong steps, which brings me to my next point…

Getting your timing right would be a lot easier if there was a count-in/metronome. This is another strange omission. I found myself letting a full four bar loop run through before recording anything. This is a strange omission on a box like this, so I hope they add this in an update.