New Synth: Roland Sh-4d

Shift and cuffoff adjusts the sensitivity, shift + filter type doesn’t seem to do anything (from what I can tell)

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I noticed a couple of bugs…

  1. Tapping the Pattern button takes you to the Pattern select page. Pressing and holding the Pattern button gives you momentary access to the mutes. However, once you’ve muted/unmuted something, then pressing and holding the Pattern button will flash up the pattern select page before showing you the mute page.

  2. The send FX amounts are available as destinations in the matrix, but they don’t work. If you set an LFO or ENV as source and turn up the amount there is seemingly no effect.

Oh you’re right, got my knobs mixed up :slight_smile:

Yes, Shift + Type would be good :+1:t2:

Saving patterns and all that is definitely a pain as is right now, and I hope there’s a faster way to access the mix page moving forward. And maybe muting individual drum tones!

Loving this instrument so far!


just spent my first 72h with this box.
apart from fx cutting when pattern changing on only one pattern for me ( a heavy delay + reverb one ) it’s rad.
do you know a good case/decksaver for travel, this box is full off sounds and have battery power .


I’ve been using 2500mAh Duracell Rechargeables and they seem to be lasting forever. The batteries that came with it only lasted 3-4 hours.

Have a link?

Duracell Rechargeable AA 2500 mAh Batteries

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I use regular Panasonic Eneloops on my AE30 and they last a while.

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You can mute individual drum tones. Select the rhythm part, then hold down the pattern button while pushing the tone you want to mute.


Oh nice!! Thank you.


today tested sync with the octatrack & digitone, while the elektrons switch instantly to the new pattern, the sh-4d takes one more pattern before changing pattern, i know this is a common issue, do you know a workaround or solution. might be a deal breaker for me

Found the list of PCM tones for the non-“modeled synth” engines.

It’s definitely “Roland”, intentionally chosen for key synthetic building blocks and then the absolute bare minimum of classic 90s house stuff like JD800 pianos and organs so you can show me love, and do the nightcrawlers thing, etc. So freaking Roland.

I mean, it would be too good if there were a full-fledged JV/XV PCM engine in there, but they just won’t do that sort of thing. If they did, and the box had a few extra audio outs, I would pay $999 cause one box could cover so many bases - but they wouldn’t sell in the quantities they need.

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Jeez, this is actually a tough choice. My Korg Radias has been my multitimbral workhorse for years…although it has some very interesting synth tools like waveshapers and saturators…the EQ and effects generally suck…oh boy this is a tough one.

What’s compelling with the SH-4D is the:
• Full EQ per Part
• 1 MFX per Tone
• 1 MFX per Pattern
• System Compressor
• System EQ

Lord help me resist this…it’s so geared toward how I work


Supersaw + Chord Machine Jam

How is the sound quality? I’m not familiar with Roland’s emulation of analog synths so not sure if this synth sounds too digital or flat.

Can the Roland SH-4d sound like a TB-303?


Sounds more like a 101, but it does acid :slight_smile:


I feel the same. Having three of the Roland boutiques like the TB03, TR-08 reissue, JX-08 and SP404 MK2 the programming workflow is crude compared to what Elektron offers or that on a dedicated sequencer like the Squarp Hapax. The SP404 MK2 is my favorite as it’s super easy to jam on and play on the fly. I do like the Roland Juno X keyboard from I’ve seen to make synthwave stuff but my Virus and OB X8 do this well hence no need to buy another Roland. I wish that Roland would just make a nice quality high end real analog poly synth reissue of the Juno and not the digital stuff.

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it really is the bare minimum. i’m not saying i’d need a FULL JV engine, but at least a FEW of the waveforms that made the JV line special - choirs, world instruments etc, would go a long way towards making interesting patches, especially a decent piano or some evolving 90s enya pads:)

Also dont know if it’s possible to have independent envelopes per partial on SH-4D like you can on the MC-707, JD/JVs? Or is it all smashed together into the same amp and filter envelope?