New Synth: Roland Sh-4d

Yes! But my brain would work much better with a graphical representation rather than a number value. It feels like mental translation. I’m spoiled by elektron UI where you get both.
Sh4d has these on certain models for faders on things like noise or sub. But I’d love to see a horizontal fill bar or a virtual knob for whatever parameter you’re touching

And just to clarify, at this time, you can’t load your own samples. Correct? If not, I’d add that to a wishlist

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That did it, thanks! AT is set to Cutoff -20 in the INIT patch

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Bump! :grin:

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Ability to bring in samples would be nice.

How those big companies are great at bad UX. They just can’t get it right. NR 1 reason I’m staying away.

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Is it the synth/music gear equivalent of Godwin’s law? i.e. how long can any discussion about any bit of gear last before someone asks for sample loading or sampling features


OK if we’re wish-listing

  • Part quick access or “performance mode” so I can jump between parts without holding shift
  • 100% agree on fleshing out the the PCM model with more sounds (is this is RAM/ROM limitation?)
  • Single env mode - one env for both filter and amp, more faithful for the SH-101 and creating simple sounds faster
  • More filter types!
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It would be today and yes it would be nice to have.

All great suggestions, I’m quietly confident Roland will put out some significant updates, they have been really good at supporting their existing product lines lately.


What’s everyone’s thoughts about the UI. Is it classic Roland silliness or did they learn from their countless errors in the past?

It’s an improvement, but still Roland…


Yeah I find it way less fiddly than the MC101/707, Verselab, Jupiter X/M, etc. It could be better but I think the UI here reflects on some lessons learned over the past 3 or 4 years, so that’s promising. And agreed that they’ve been better than most at updates for their current line up. Roland has less abandonware than pretty much any manufacturer out there right now.

As it is now the Randomization in the Utility serve nothing at all so a Density parameter and scales support would be ace

Mine turned up today- only had 30 minutes with it but the build quality seems good, more metal and solid feeling that I expected. Screen is fine, sound quality is very good…drum side surprisingly deep…this is going to be fun.


Just going to quote myself here to save effort :slight_smile: .

They mostly did a really good job - you can get to almost everything you need pretty quickly. I don’t understand why the mixer is two button press into a menu instead of one, which is probably my single biggest complaint at the moment, and in the grand scheme of things it’s not that big of a deal.


I linda want one of these but I dunno if I can be bothered dealing with another Roland device :sweat_smile:


Pattern length = [PAGE/TIE] + Screen Knob 1 (knob 2 is sequence direction)

Osc Pitch - Just select oscillator using the button under its slider and turn Pitch knob


@x0x is becoming the @sezare56 of the SH-4D. Love it!