New Synth: Roland Sh-4d

It’s not class compliant so probably not.

Can u expand a bit? what do you mean by ‘Manual input?’ Sorry to sound lame but slightly ironic?

I just checked and phase isn’t actually a mod destination anyway

I just mean that they’ve given you a chromatic keyboard, so you can play whatever scale or arpeggio that you want. The caveat being that you do have to play it. That is to say, there’s no way to foolproof it. But then, scale modes can only take you so far anyway.

Maybe I don’t understand what you’re asking about. If so, my apologies.


Phase is interesting, though - as I recall it runs from 0-3 on the 707, which makes sense for, say, a sine wave - beginning, middle and the two ‘peaks’. But on the S&H it just skips forward very slightly in the sequence, so I assume phase is simply moving forward by x samples (e.g. the regular shapes are 256 samples and it skips 64 at a time) and this exposes the static nature of the S&H source. I’ll do a YouTube video exposing the whole thing as soon as I can get hold of a cactus, a mini Rubik’s Cube and some Pogs.


That was exactly my question considering both Mc 707 and 101 has scales and root note selection but Im using an external keyb anyway but just like loopop said in his SH 4D video the Randomization of the steps would be more useful if constrained to a scale instead of going caotic

Just returned mine after a week. It is way too fiddly. Pickup is a pain on the encoders, it ends up sounding muddy, and I didn’t like the filters.


Good review!s

It stopped me from buying it


Whereas I just ordered one :slight_smile:
Be here tomorrow!


Yeah I just ordered one too, it sounds great to me and not sure how fiddly it is, looks like most things you need are right there on the front panel, with just a bit of menu diving, it should pair well with the Digitakt and Syntakt, adding some polyphonic noises to those two beasts, that’ll be my noise setup for a wee while


Just picked up mine and loving the sound so far. Does anyone know how to assign or disable the aftertouch when controlling from an external keyboard? At the moment it seems to attenuate the amp level when AT is applied from my Keystep 37. Can’t find any reference to it in the manual apart from the MIDI implementation chart and the D-Motion section.


It’s not that fiddly most of the time - you can get quite far without diving into the menus except to change pattern length and osc pitch. That said, some settings are buried in an extremely long list. I start to lose my ability to concentrate when I’m scrolling through some of the menus. I think the machine would have benefited by having pages rather than one extremely long list per shift menu, but I understand why they did it this way.

The good thing with Roland is they have been very good at V2 or even V3 updates. The SH looks pretty compete as it is, but I am also confident it will be improved…


yeah pages would make a lot of sense given the directional arrows, unless those are used for something else while you’re in a menu…

let’s build a wishlist!
i’ll start:

  • more PCM sounds (EPs, choirs, strings, ethnic, JV classics)
  • faster shortcut to mixer mode (1 dedicated button instead of two!)
  • better GUI representation of whatever knob you’re turning / saved vs current value
  • better GUI representation of filter or envelopes
  • (edit-this is already possible) ability to call up user patches via program change, without having to save them to a pattern (i don’t know if this is already possible, but sounds like every patch has to live in a pattern?)
  • Ability to assign what the FX knobs do - some of the default are fucking weird.

  • Menu pages instead of a long list

  • Hold stage on the wavetable position envelope

  • Ability to assign additional LFOs at the expense of using more voices (this one seems very unlikely).

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Check the patches mod matrix settings (FUNC + Matrix). Set AT to zero or FUNC + Clear to remove it as a source.

Well, I did mess with the mc101/707, so used to the Roland menu way slightly, this looks much better UI wise.

In regards to wishlist, it would be awesome to be able to use your own Wavetables or Single Cycle Waveforms as oscillators, it would give it Pigments vibes, just on a smaller scale, in hardware form, but I think that one might be wishful thinking.

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Already possible. The bank and program numbers for the factory and user tones are in the midi implementation chart.

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You know you can hold exit and turn knob to see current value?

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