New Synth: Roland Sh-4d

Not assignable AFAIK from my time with the device

Yes they vary from effect to effect, but pretty similar to the 101/70

Anyone issue with USB ground noise ( really high ) on PC connection? or is it just a problem of mineā€¦

Yeah, sometimes the mapped parameters feel a bit weird.

The usb noise is there on mine

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Improvised DnB jam from scratch - it really is a fun box to jam and improvise on-I know they say it isnā€™t a groovebox butā€¦.


Me too

And no scales or user scale option apart from the arpeggiator?

Sh-4d questionā€¦ Iā€™ve been getting back into the MC-707 recently, and Iā€™ve been reminded of my ongoing frustration with the LFOs. The issue is that if you lock the sample & hold LFO to reset on each key press / note, it uses the same sequence every time - so if you send that LFO to pitch, you get a repeating melody on every note, and with short notes theyā€™ll always sound the same because each one will use the same initial value. The prevailing theory is that the 707 is referencing a fixed noise source (like a white noise sample), and key sync causes it to start from the beginning every time.

This means you canā€™t, for example, have a random cutoff value on every note - if you set it to key sync, itā€™s not random, and if you donā€™t, you risk it changing partway through a note. You can sync it to the BPM, but that only works if all your notes have the same length and placement,

So - does this also affect 4d? I have asked previously if other Zen gear has the same problem, but havenā€™t been able to get an answer. And Iā€™d really love to know, just for my own peace of mind,

I just tried it out - and yeah same behaviour on the SH-4D :frowning:

Soon as you switch a S&H LFO to ā€œkey triggerā€ the pattern from the LFO is the same on each note
Your theory about some lookup table of noise/random values seems pretty plausible, seems like a limitation/bug across all the Zencore line

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Iā€™ve not checked but could you maybe use 3d model to send a 2nd LFO to phase?

Is the S&H LFO a sample?!

Thatā€™s a common theory - it uses a white noise sample or similar, and key triggering it always goes to the start of the file. Or I suppose it could be a random function that always uses the same seed - but either way, it doesnā€™t change and itā€™s a poor show, and should be an easy fix. As I recall I emailed them about it ages ago, but at the time I was more focused on the 707 cutting pattern audio off, which they did fix. So maybe itā€™s time for another email, because as it stands this function is of no real use to anyone.

Phase isnā€™t much use (at least on the 707) - it just truncates a few milliseconds off the start of the random sequence. I did try a lot of potential workarounds and wasnā€™t able to get any of them to work, but as itā€™s a deep engine I canā€™t shake the feeling that thereā€™s a solution in there somewhere.

Whatā€™s extra vexing is that the random LFO has a run of very similar values near the start, which sounds terrible however you use it. If youā€™re lucky the 4D at least uses a different fixed source.

Anyone got any Electric Piano sound recordings from the SH-4D to share? I see there are some presets and wonder how it compares to the mc-101?

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Youā€™ve got all the scales you need, by way of the keyboardā€¦

Manual input required, of course.


I had this also. USB is terribly prone to ground loops / noise for some reason. Mine was inadvertently fixed when I switched from a cheap Atolla USB Hub to a more pricy Sabrent 10 port hub. Not saying this is a solution but just that it resolved it for me.

Recommend that all USB items (including audio interface are powered from the same source / USB Hub where possible).

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Can any owner confirm whether or not the Sh-4D can be powered by an MPC One?

Just tried, it seemed to work! I feel like it took a little bit longer for the SH4D to power up, but otherwise seemed fully functional. I didnā€™t put headphones on and check for USB noise, but I did notice my interface meters lighting up when I hit the keys.

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Thanks for the reply.
I presume the MPC One could also be used to play the Sh-4D over USB MIDI?

I actually donā€™t know - Iā€™m using mine via regular midi cables, I usually completely ignore USB midi.

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