New Teenage Engineering products

Knowing TE, I don’t think DN would fit on it.


that costs six times the amount of other similar tables, and doesn’t unfold correctly unless you use a workaround of plumber’s tape on the legs.


beefed up thread

Theres a lot of OP-Z bashing here. I will tell you one thing, at it’s core, the sequencer of the OP-Z blows Elektron out of the water.

Just the fact that you can seperate note data, parameter data and step component data and have seperate trig conditions for each on one step is huge. I can have a note play every second step, have lower filter setting every third step and have ratcheting every forth. Elektrons just can’t do that. Plus the step components (midi effects) them selfs are huge.

But I get it you see a remote or here about the faulty devices etc. Alas I digress, the new device is probably some Portable OD-11


Wow that would be amazing if Elektron added that to their wokflow. I often wonder why this isn’t the way it is already. Maybe a lifesized OP-Z with a screen would be a hopeful guess.

Man, i am saying this also for years…

The Software is dope, but the hardware is so tiny…
Look at those Cuckoo Concert jam Videos…poor Cuckoo was sweating and aching His whole Body to literally squeeze music Out of it.

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He also has a really cool video that goes over how its possible to set up midi controllers for deep integration.

I’ve been eyeing a Launch Control XL for awhile now just because as utility midi controller it seems like it could have many uses for me (both with the OP-Z and the Octatrack).

But yeah, the small design is cool for portability and if you’re actually trying to perform with it using a MIDI controller seems ideal. I’ll admit though, I’ve actually recorded zero music with mine. Lots of noodling but nothing that ends up in Ableton.

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definitely, it’s just a shame they crammed all that power into such a poorly-designed enclosure.

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It’s really irrelevant what it is at its core if the build, interface, and quality doesn’t match it.

For many, it’s not useable due to the size, and interface.

It’s like cramming in a super synth in an apple watch, could be a killer software, but very few would use it in its form factor and with it’s UI.


Having midi in is a pretty basic feature and hardly something unique for the OPZ not that impressive.

Using the OPZ in a studio setting makes little to no sense, if you gonna bother with controllers in the size of the Launch Control you could just easily get a larger groove box with integrated controls for portability.

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Thats how i came across the Deluge…

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The biggest problem with the OPZ’s sequencer is the loss of step-resolution when making longer patterns than 16 steps. This alone makes it inferior to Elektron sequencers (at least to me who doesnt like to work around that omission). They should have put their development money into a paging feature instead of half baked gimmicky stuff like the Unity-animation stuff that probably gets used by a very, very small percentage of opz owners.


with the Op-1 and Op-Z you actually have to make music by yourself, they’re both for jamming and live editing.

if the metronome is your track length you won’t argue about missing steps…


Ah, yes, the long-lost art of musicianship. :wink:


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I had a OPZ which I wanted to love, however:

  • it got the double trig button issue
  • the op-lab module didn’t connect properly
  • the encoders started falling out
  • it’s UI was just too abstract and tiny for me to really jam with
  • the step resolution was lacking

But fundamentally it failed when I tried to jam with mates. I have up on it and just jumped on a spare 0-coast to twist some knobs. It just wasn’t reliable. TE arranged a replacement but I just bought a Digitakt while I waited sold the OPZ. It’s too expensive to be so flakey.

It had a lot of promise, but was made of cheese.


Oh boy… :rofl:

Look at those Cuckoo Concert jam Videos…poor Cuckoo was sweating and aching His whole Body to literally squeeze music Out of it.

Yeah, most videos I 'v saw with people using it look like they are struggling despite their best efforts to convince you otherwise.

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In some ways definitely true, but to be fair to Elektron (and which particular Elektron machine being compared) I don’t think in all ways:

VS any Elektron (aside from Sidstation)
Only 1 page per pattern VS Elecktron upto 4
Much less hands on direct editing due to lack of display and choice of switches used, feels overly fiddly a lot of the time.
Things like copy/paste better implemented on Elektron

VS Larger Elektron
The above +
Less performance or rather less customisable performance controls, for instance scenes are much more flexible than punch in fx
Far more lockable sound parameters
Song/arranger mode