New Teenage Engineering products

‘Design objects’ aren’t made to be used, they’re for looking at.

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Can see this as part of Jones setup

Noel Fielding

off topic

Thank you for the hilarious moment when I discovered Nathan Barley show. Crazy batshit.



TE should get those tunes on the speakers karma settings


Funny how praise is always accepted without question yet criticism is often contested or even labelled as hate speech. As it’s already been said, TE don’t care what a bunch of gear nerds are saying about them on the Elektronauts forum. As a company you should be able to appreciate both positive and negative feedback. I think it’s completely fair comment to say that TE have seemingly lost their way, their product output has been sporadic and very hit and miss . Their latest PO transparent case is a complete piss take. And overpriced design with questionable functionality deserves scrutiny.





It’s actually totally on topic, in fact.
These guys from Nathan Barley show were spine-shivering accurate.


Who else is saving up for the rumoured TE combination selfie-stick-vape-pen?


Only if it comes with a bluetooth back scratcher attachment.


i don´t think so.
we all acting like all the companies out there has to do what WE want.
in my profession i don´t like this mindstate. i´m running a company for things that I want.
if people don´t angree in my products, fine. for me. but not for people. they acting stupid with quotes like “lost their way” etc.

it´s like the old discussion about our favourite musicacts…“the first album was great, but the new ist shit, he/she/it/they should make music like in the beginning.” stop evolution, stop being creative, stop to do what you want. MAKE ME HAPPY WITH THE PRODUCT I WANT. this is what i can read in this thread. i even don´t need/like the product. the design is nice, the funtion…i don´t know. but every little step further isn´t helpful or friendly, in my opinion.


That’s fair commentary on this thread, but it’s not hate speech :man_facepalming:


I personally don’t think so.
It’s not hate speech I read here, more like jokes.
And who’s going to be hurt by people having a good laugh at the joke that is a big marketing effort for an object perceived like failing to meet the majority of potential buyers?

When the creator of OP-1 states it took them “6 years in the making”, you create some anticipation.
Even the PO series got me more excited than this.

I used to love TE.
But the 129€ plastic bag for very fragile objects, the 160€ sweatshirt, the 400€ leather bag… those are insane prices seem wrong and even elitist to me.
While I could feel like OP-1 was top quality, I no longer thinks TE is looking for this. Look at the modular series and their powering problems…

That TE are now (and have actually been for quite some time now) considered as a joke by many does hurt a bit. Not because of the people laughing. But because I do believe, more and more, that these were right from the start.


The way I see it, any company run by a guy who described himself as “very left wing” whilst driving around in a Lamborghini and making pretty bloody capitalist business choices can take a bit of piss taking. If anything they seem to be actively looking for it.
I don’t want anything from TE, never have. Just enjoy a bit of taking the piss.


I’ll ignore the indirect insult

I think you are getting your knickers in a twist, there is no hate speech here, just people expressing valid opinions. And that’s all they are, no one is lynching anyone.


That’s totally fine, but who is this product meant to appeal to and what will they actually get out of it?

Yoga Wellness Centres


Think I said I felt they’ve lost their way too. Which is a pretty innocuous comment IMO.

I’ve owned an OP-1 and a bunch of POs. Heck, I’m listening to music on an OD-11 right now (which was the previous TE pariah product… it’s mono! and it costs how much?! ). I also have their little Ikea bluetooth speaker.

What the products I’ve enjoyed from TE in the past have in common is that they felt like really well-resolved, exciting and novel ideas that were also really beautifully designed. The OP-1 is really one of my favourite original synth designs ever. It’s just that the recent stuff looks half finished or with features that don’t appeal to anyone. Their modular system is so close to being a really cool realisation of low-cost eurorack and just falls down on a couple of points - to me it looks like they ignored what people would actually want/need from an instrument like that and focused on making it look cool as an executive desk toy.

TE stuff has always been expensive and attracts the hipster-baiting ire because of how they carry themselves, etc - I don’t care about that, I’m all for more interesting and individual voices in the world. I also don’t care about the pricing because affordability is relative and “fair” pricing is a complex equation that we don’t know the full details of. Basically they can charge what they want and people can choose not to buy it.

It’s when the product itself looks like it’s failing to meet user’s needs or deliver enough value… that’s what I mean by losing their way. But this is all my personal opinion about a commercially available product on the internet, I’m not insulting anyone here.


100% agree.

Get the faulty products you already sold fixed before launching overpriced plastic stuff.

It makes them come across pretty arrogant, whether they realise it or not, read the room.

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Lambo’s don’t come cheap, hater! :joy:


i think what he’s trying to say is that as long as you know that its not for you, the rest shouldnt matter.