New Teenage Engineering products

Am I missing something, or is it only fm? Not that I’m interested either way, but I live in a country where fm is all but dead

Sorry, TE already have that option. It’s even more expensive because of the way it has been processed. :joy:

Magical OBeans-4


This phase one beta testing / short run / bugfixing / FOMO scarceness business model is really cynical isn’t it. See Polyend Tracker, Dreadbox Typhon etc


If you’ve seen actual hate speech on this thread then I suggest you report it to the moderators using the flag system.

Otherwise, chill, we’re just taking the piss, I’m sure TE don’t give a flying shit what a bunch of gear nerds think about their stuff, they’re shifting units and making money, fair play to them.


I wanna know more about the ambient and the mantra box functions.

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Nowadays… it will only Loop: “Corona Corona Corona Corona Corona”

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OT user here.
No comment.


I wanted to laugh at it after the fucking teaser campaign, but I like it. It‘s a mobile speaker and recorder for my electronic musical instruments, too. It‘s beautiful. I have the OD-11 speaker, I‘ve loved it since the day I got it.


No i don’t. :joy:

Fullsome agreed

…both the only softsynths i kept…because they Sound awesome!

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I think, given TEs history and previous products, this is entirely unsurprising. They’ve made lamps, another wireless speaker, a shelving system, a weird home assistant thingy. It’s not surprising that people here are focussed on the instruments, but that seems to be far from all they do.

If this thing was REALLY good, I’d pay that price. I’d be surprised if it sounds as good as similarly priced alternatives, but I do like being surprised :slight_smile:

I feel sorry for those exposed woofers though.

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So basically it is a TiVo for radio?


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if TE wants to continue their current business model i feel like they need to at some point put out a statement akin to a giant red sign shouting “we are a consumer electronics/design company! we make what we want” people will then get the picture.

their first project was for art installation (absolut choir) but their first major success was op-1, so naturally people think they should stick to what most people want. but people forget the next project after that wasn’t another instrument, it was a speaker.

but its a double edge sword akin to being a underground indie artist and then deciding to make a pop song and it becoming a hit; if your new path is to try and recreate that success regardless of your own interests/ambitions, you are a business sell out (hence no op-2, TE dont want to do it). If you embrace your interests/ambitions, you alienate your current audience (hence why everyone is down on the ob-4)

it ends up being personal interests vs business, TE siding with the former for the actually products while taking advantage of the latter in the worst cases possible (silly prices which i cant defend)

What results is 4 categories;

  • people who are fine with them from knowing what they were/are from the start (i’d put myself in the catergory tbh)

-people who liked them for who they thought they were (a synth company) who now probably hate and clown them (wonder who they are :eyes:)

-people who just dislike them for whatever reason

-people who like them clearly for aesthetic reasons mainly (i dont need to say the ‘h’ word, you know who i mean)

thats it for my TE analysis :smiley:


remember the days OG Oplab was announced…

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One of my top 10 internet videos.

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Honestly the design is great. If it were half the price I think they’d fly off the shelf.

5th category: People who liked them and bought most of their products but have lost faith in them after numerous hardware faults on multiple products well inside of the 1 year warranty, despite treating the products with care.