New Teenage Engineering products

There is an instrument tuner. Tuner/radio confusion probably

That would be it. Shame. I do love an easy-to-sample radio!

I forgot about this interface. How has it been in practice for capturing live playback in your DAW or on the iPad.

Does it work as advertised?

tbh I haven’t used it all that much - I’ve been away from iPad music-making lately. But those times I used it, it worked as expected.

If it does great at multitrack recording on the iPad in AUM, Cubasis and the like it looks promising.

It would be plugged in and out of the way and all tracking would be done in Software and not on MicroKnobs and mini sliders. Any chance you could revisit it for a mini review? I’ve pinged a couple users on AB forum so no worries if you can’t but i think others might like the insight :pray:t3:

On another note, and on subject, i have a friend who works for a major distributor and she told me that she could get the TX-6 for $899.00 plus tax. Makes me wonder how much of a mark up there is on this mixer…my guess is at least a 40% mark up by TE.

sorry I’m not sure what you mean? what would you like to know?

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This thing is awesome. It’s got that TE fun factor. Having a blast just toying with the internal drum machine. It sounds fantastic. I’m a long haired tattoo guy with small fingers so I’m definitely the key demo for this item, but I am also poor as shit, so at that price it really has to be special, and indeed it is.


This is what makes it an even more difficult thing to reason with the cost of it.

I can understand when people make the case for paying more for quality, but it seems (and I’m sorry to those offended) that the price is for the form factor and design. If that’s all you need then great.

I see the same comments made for Elektron devices. On IG, someone posted a minimal track made with Syntakt and the first comment was, “oh cool, you paid $1000 to make minimal.” I thought it was funny, but I also know how much easier it is to work with Elektron devices vs working in a DAW. Yeah it can be done, but for some the price becomes worthwhile due time saving features.

With this I don’t see where it becomes worth the price. I can’t see it as anything other than a mini luxury item. I love that it has it’s own rechargeable battery and that’s about it. Everything else doesn’t seem to work as well as other options.

does the ob-4 have any inclinations for overdub looping in the near future?

Personally I find the whole company pretty boring. Mostly all they do is make instruments hard to work with and design things in exactly such ways. It’s all about hype and pricing it like that. And wearing sunglasses indoors of course.


Yeah I don’t feel like that… I still enjoy all the pocket operators. I love the OP-Z. I could never justify OP-1 for me, but I get why others like it. I still wouldn’t mind owning an OP-1 or an OB-4.

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Who’s having the conniption fit?

now THAT’s comedy

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I have a growing feeling that people don’t understand what it means to have a conniption fit.

TE is an interesting conversation in an unfortunate way because there are definite haters and super fans all drawn to the same place.

I’m not in either camp. I like some of their stuff and question others. I don’t mine getting corrected if I’ve got something wrong.

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I feel like some of the decisions TE made may be controversial, but that just makes more people talk about them, whether it’s good or not. That’s just more publicity so they don’t give a crap if some people hate them.

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Never mind. I got some details on the AB forum. I may just order one of these as it ticks a lot of the boxes i wanted from the BlueBox…namely USB MultiTrack recording.

Thanks for letting us know about it.

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I wonder if the OPZ development fed directly into this unit. TX6 s tiny but so if the OPZ. I’m not too woried about the size, just the cost, feels like a 999 unit, not a 1199. Saying that I just stumbled across this jam which is nice, so can you run the synth engine at the same time as a mixer?? teenage engineering TX-6 vs PO-32 - YouTube

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It also has effectively 1/3 as many inputs.

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Why didn’t they just skipped all the tiny knobs and just use the same buttons as underneath?
EG: Press and hold a button + spin the ‘bigger’ encoder.

That would’ve imo made it faster and easier to work on and probably more robust as well.
Production cheaper as well? (not that price makes any sense with TE)