New Teenage Engineering products

You actually had me there, if even for a split second.

I was like “WHAT NOW” and was about to hit the web, but then I was like “Wait a minute …” but then back to “BUT WHAT IF IT’S TRUE" and then back to “Ohforgodsake …”



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Excited to see how this patentware turns out. Could be a really nice addition to the audio recorder market, maybe checking off a few other portable audio needs in the process. Let’s see. Any idea of release date?

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Same, maybe it’ll finally be a worthy successore to my tuff little Sony M10. We still have zero info other than the patent!


Hoping for the same insane battery life you get from the OP-1 Field, so you can leave the thing on to grab recordings. Then again, the OP-1’s boot time is pretty minimal anyway.

Most likely sometime in the next couple weeks, i actually think this might be revealed this thursday/friday.

they did a similar thing last year before superbooth; reveal their new product a couple weeks before event (tx-6) then reveal there updated product at the event (op-1 field)

Hoping this is replicated with the tp-7 and a op-z field!


Ah nice, hopefully that’s the plan. That’s way quicker than it seemed like it was gonna be!

Makes sense with Superbooth etc.

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so we’re getting two new things? pretty sick


Ok so a contemporary/retro mic and are we getting a looper, synth or something else? :eyes:

yeah it seems like the other leaked product is totally separate.

this is a mic/preamp/portable interface for $1,200

detailed spec found here


Surely you must have better examples of ”hideous” design than that? :thinking::slightly_smiling_face:

Hopefully this is one of two major release like last year. Guessing OP-Z Field not coming anytime soon

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yeah i rather like korg designs (for the most part) including the enclosure and layout of the drumlogue

the only thing they’ve made recently that i disliked was volca modular and even then i’m not sure i’d consider it poorly designed…just not my taste

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Watch this video by son wu speculating about the CM-15 months before it was revealed

Now look at this…

this isnt a coincidence…


Nice one. I was skeptical when watching the video

Is this mic sensitive enough to pick up the rustle of my handlebar mustache in the summer breeze?


Maybe now this makes more sense?
Mixer + mic + tape recorder?


$ 4000 of TE and a $30 Tape Recorder to capture it all. Sounds about right :wink: