New to electron, just got my AR mk2 -looking for tips,tricks, and advice

just got my AR mk2 finally

any idea if i can download beta test of overbrige ?
if so need link -

i saw an old one for public beta 1.10 but it looks like that for the mk1 ?

i use Ablton live, any sources for tips tricks and work flows ?

so far i love the sounds still getting use to the interface

i cant wait to see what i can do with it

thanks in advance for your help

happy music making

No to OB.

YouTube will likely be the best resource. People like @cuckoomusic @CarlMikaelBjork @umonox @Stemshade are reccomneded viewing.

Probably not much help, but it could be a place to start.

Have fun!


One of my fave things with the Rytm mk1 is using the impulse machines to play the filter (crack the resonance up full and use the frequency to adjust the pitch), it creates weird and wonderful synth tones so it’s more than just a drum machine. Would love to get my hands on a MK2 and see how things like this interacts with the resampling capabilities.

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i am having fun figuring out the lay out & how it works
its getting there i love the 64 step thing over 4 pages

it sounds great, its new so not too many video on the basics of it yet

anyone have a link to the over bridge beta latest version ?

As I said, there’s NO OB for mk2 at the moment. Beta or otherwise-unless you’re Cenk…

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Don’t go trying to run OB yet, it’s not ready for mk2 and you can only mess up something trying… :slight_smile:
Supposed to be ready in Feburary, (maybe March… :wink:)

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I recommend importing a couple loops that work well together (rhodes and bass for example) and sticking those in on 2 tom channels so you have something to make beats to. 4 bar loops work well

The countless videos on the MK1 will probably cover a lot of the basics though as it’s not an entirely different machine. I got the A4MK2 during the week, I’ve never touched an A4MK1 but I’m still picking up lots of tips from older A4 videos, obviously the new machines will have more bells and whistles once you dig deeper though.

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