New to forum MD parameter locks over MIDI

Hi Everyone,
Brand new to the forum and Elektron…well not strictly true as previously owned a Sidstation many years ago.
I just picked up a MD MKII non UW and wanted to ask a question regarding driving other gear.
I have a Yamaha A3000+ MPC2000 and wanted to use either machine for sample duties.
Would it be possible to emulate parameter locks for the tethered machines providing said machine has the modulation capabilities?
Is this machine capable of granular looping with the onboard samples or not.
Sorry If this has been answered before but thought I would dove-tail it with an introduction.


Welcome to the forum!

Not exactly. Parameter locks on Elektron instruments provide momentary changes to their internal sound engine parameters on a particular sequencer step. The MD’s MIDI (sequencing) machines can send MIDI Control Change (CC) messages to other devices but the sent values persist on the unit rather than snapping back to the default value like a parameter lock would do.

I don’t have either an MPC2000 or an A3000 but I think that sending CC messages from the MD to the MPC will not allow you to do anything different from using the MPC’s internal sequencer for the same purpose. You can control some parameters on the A3000 using CC messages but probably not anything that you couldn’t do with the MPC.

You mean the non-UW Machinedrum? You can play with re-triggers and delay settings to make things glitchy, but I don’t think you could really achieve what most people would understand as “granular” effects. But give it a try!

you can slide external cc values, which is nice.

try random start point LFO (with pitch and RTIM) on the E12 machines for some granular approaches.


These are very helpful replies, thank you both.
I bought this whilst on holiday so have yet to integrate it in my studio but is looking to be a great travel companion. Looking forward to guving it a go once back in town.
This thing is FUN! and don’t know why I didn’t pick one up sooner?
I do remember trying one out when Turnkey was still open but didn’t get really it at the time.
Mind you I was very much an analogue snob back then at least where synths and drum machines were concerned.
Looking forward to being part of the community.