New to forum with a few questions

first of all how good is the machinedrum?? its exactly what I’ve needed for my productions and have already had so much fun even though I’ve only scratched the surface, i have a few questions

loading own samples—

so i manage to load a few of my own samples into the MD but I’m very worried at how little room there is on the machine. I bought the UW+ version and have only loaded 2 x 140k samples and already at 52% capacity! now to me that means I can only load another 10 or so before it is full? this can’t be true or am i missing something?

saving samples to a bank—

is there anyway i can save my own samples into a separate bank or patch so that they are easy to find?

storage issues–

like I said before I’m worried about storage issues… I like to work on 4 tracks or more at a time but I’m worried with the little storage i can’t do this

saving a pattern–

sorry I’m not a good reader of manuals but is it easy to save patterns which can then be reloaded

ableton 9–

bit of an open question but how does it perform with ableton 9?
is it best to record the audio of your MD into ableton or is there a way ableton can read the parameter changes in the MD

sorry for all the questions look forward to helping other in the community

Hi there, and welcome.
I can only answer one qustion for you as I dont have the sampling model.
The Machinedrum works differently to other drum machines in some ways.
Patterns are saved automaticly, as soon as you make a change (regarding the Trigs you place ) it is saved.
So if you like a pattern but want to change it, save it, (while NOT in step rec mode, hold Func + Save), go to a empty/new pattern, then paste it (Func + Paste) .
The actual sounds (Kit) has to be saved if you make changes. But remember that you may have used that Kit in other patterns so this is where your brain must be utilized. :confused:
Also, the button on the top left :Classic/Extended, keep it in Extended mode so your kits will change when you change patterns, otherwise in Classic mode, the kit will not change when changing kits.

:+1: And incase you havn’t tried this, (best feature of the MD), hold function, twiddle some/all parameter knobs while track is playing, really mess shit up, then WHAM, press Func + Classic/Extended.

MD = :alien: :heart: :+1: .


loading own samples—

so i manage to load a few of my own samples into the MD but I’m very worried at how little room there is on the machine. I bought the UW+ version and have only loaded 2 x 140k samples and already at 52% capacity! now to me that means I can only load another 10 or so before it is full? this can’t be true or am i missing something?

Yer not missing anything - it is very little ram/rom at one time. You learn to get around it - lower sample rates, loop samples, truncate, etc etc. I think it’s designed mostly for short one-shots but works fine for loops to an extent.

saving samples to a bank—

is there anyway i can save my own samples into a separate bank or patch so that they are easy to find?

If yer talking about the ones you sample live, yes go to sample manager, copy the sample, then paste into a rom position. The +drive has 128 sample banks, I usually leave one per snapshot, but you can freely load banks into any snapshot.

storage issues–

like I said before I’m worried about storage issues… I like to work on 4 tracks or more at a time but I’m worried with the little storage i can’t do this

You could do one track per snapshot / sample bank and have the whole machine to use for each track.

saving a pattern–

sorry I’m not a good reader of manuals but is it easy to save patterns which can then be reloaded

Every change you make to a pattern (sequencer wise) is saved the moment you do it.

ableton 9–

bit of an open question but how does it perform with ableton 9?
is it best to record the audio of your MD into ableton or is there a way ableton can read the parameter changes in the MD

I’d record the audio, but that’s me. You can’t record all parameter changes externally, simply.

just think of the storage system as one track per day or per week situation
that is, the focus is one creating one track with a limited sample pool
then once finished the track, deleted all samples and kits or back up on pc or if you have plus drive save it in there
start again and start a new track

elektron produced the md uw as a counterpoint to 2/3 gig daw programs and sample sets

helps to get up out of bed an hr before jamming on a new track and load up new waves and so forth via midi

And incase you havn’t tried this, (best feature of the MD), hold function, twiddle some/all parameter knobs while track is playing, really mess shit up, then WHAM, press Func + Classic/Extended.

hey man i was wondering how I could do this so thanks, i like how one parameter affects all the samples

there is one problem though

when I press fund classic/extended it reverts back to the original MD sounds instead of my user loaded sounds

this also happens when I trigger another track… surely I don’t have to load my sample into every track?

thanks for the response guys

You have to save your kit !
Func+Extended reverts to saved kit. Not sure about samples but.
Also, when you change to another track, it loads the kit you last used on that track (unless in Classic mode).