New Unifono Album - Neutral (Electronica, Braindance etc)

Password reset success!! :clap:

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email correction success :slightly_smiling_face: finally


Impressive ! I just listened to one track to feel the waters a bit … arrived at track 3 without interuption or skipping , and will continue to the end of the album doing so … on par with the references you gave ! Top :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot for the nice words! Glad you like it.
Really encouraging

Bought ! :ok_hand:

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Thanks for your support! :pray:

Giving this a proper listen now. It’s really really good! Both the songwriting and production are ace! Great work mate!

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Thank you very much!

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Really love the cover photo. Listening to this now while working over here and its providing a great soundtrack. Congrats on the release @Unifono!

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Thank you for listening! I really like the foto too. She took it when we had a walk and immediately said thanks for my next cover :slightly_smiling_face:

Been listening to this for a while but hadn’t gotten around to replying. It sounds great, well done :clap:
Can definitely get a Braindance vibe and first track sounds like Orbital to me. Particularly enjoyed Welcome 84

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Thanks for listening and the nice feedback! :slightly_smiling_face:

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This is really great! Love the vibes. And like someone above said, really gets me ready to get in and have a jam - thanks!

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That’s lovely!! Thanks for listening!

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