New Unifono Album - Neutral (Electronica, Braindance etc)

Hi guys,

I want to share my new album with you. Another product of me trying to catch the vibes I get from listening to Warp / Rephlex etc. artists, that I loved so much in recent years, and still continue to discover so much great stuff.

I collected these 10 tracks, cause they share a certain mood I had when making them, and I used similar sound sources for all of them. I made them all in spring/summer 2021.
I only used one hardware box for these - Maschine mk3 - which is my favorite piece of equipment I tried so far. While it’s purely produced “in the box”, I could make them pretty much from start to finish only on the hardware controller.

Main sound sources:

  • U-he Repro 1 & 5
  • Softube Model 84
  • Audio Realism Abl3
  • TAL Uno lx
  • NI Super 8
  • Samples from Mars

The coverfoto was taken by my girlfriend Linda :black_heart:

Hope some of you might find enjoyment in these tracks.


Aweeeee yeah!!!

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Awesome cover! I wait for the Bandcamp Link to support you.

Excellent mix! Drums are nice and punchy.

My favourite: Panning (with that slightly reverbareted 303) and Ease (also the 303 digging its way through the track).


Thank you! Hope they’ll message me soon. But I didn’t want to wait. Maybe it will take a few weeks but maybe months :upside_down_face:


This is great!

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I have a few of your tracks in my BC wishlist and now that I want to finally buy this album, it’s not availble :laughing:

How about I paypal you directly and you give me link to an archive ?

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Thanks so much!

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Thanks for the support!!
I‘ll write you a pm later

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echt richtig gut ! respekt.
grüsse aus bayern

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Herzlichen Dank! Grüße aus Bayern :smiley:

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Listening intently over and over. I’m a fan. Really good. Inspiring me to quit procrastinating and just do it.


Waiting for Bandcamp :waxing_crescent_moon: :first_quarter_moon: :waxing_gibbous_moon: :full_moon: :waning_gibbous_moon: :last_quarter_moon: :waning_crescent_moon:

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very nice. I hope to be able to make music like this one day.

Gruß aus der Pfalz

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@joeyfivecents @simonbradford @enju

Thanks so much guys :black_heart:

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Nice, thanks. Actually my favorites too. And I like the opening melody of Clonez a lot. Enough self-adulation :upside_down_face: glad you like them.

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Excellent work mate! Personal favorites are Exilatrix and Freelectro which I think would be a killer finishing track :slight_smile:

Daaamn this is good. Reminds me of the vibes I got when I listened to Syro. Absolutely lovely stuff, mate.


Thank you. So glad you like it :slightly_smiling_face:
Deciding track order is always a hard thing to do :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks so much :pray: Really glad you like it
I‘m such a fan of that album

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Hey guys. The album is up on Bandcamp now for those who were interested.
Thanks all for listening, liking and commenting :heart: