Newb question: Pattern length

I’ve searched the manual everywhere. HOW do I create a new pattern with *more than 16 steps??? The manual says, “If a pattern has more than 16 steps,” but that’s in reference to presets.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

The PAGE button. Func + Page to add additional steps. 1 page = 16 steps, 2 pages=32 and so forth. You can adjust the scale by multiples—1/8-2x (Time).

Function + page?

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Yeah, after mod scroll down to len. Click and turn to change the length of the pattern or track. If you want your tracks to be different lengths go back up to mod and choose trk.

If I go to bank 6, pattern 1, the blank pattern has only 16 steps. Pressing [PAGE] doesn’t do anything :confused:

“After mod scroll down to len”?

FUNC + PAGE, then Press PAGE to increment by 16 Steps.

Yep. Also, when you change the length of a pattern it doesn’t carry over to new patterns. So if you set your current pattern to 64 steps, all the blank ones will still default to 16.