…first thing to realize in 21st century’s self promoting wonderland…if ur creating music, u do it for urself in first place, ur personal satisfaction of getting things really thought through, really finished/polished to be really ready to be released and all u want is somebody out there, who loves to listen to THAT…somebody who can relate to ur stuff…
nobody is really buying music anymore…but nevertheless “they” all still wanna listen…but 9 out of 10 only spent money for their monthly streaming farm subscription…1 out of 10 actually spents money on UR music directly…and that happens on bandcamp…
therefor, u better be available on both sides…in case u really touch “them” with ur music on some frequent bases, they might wanna support U and ur music…in that case, it’s more likely, they wanna go and buy a ticket to a show of urs or even buy some merch…and here, bandcamp rules like nothing else, since u can sell all kinds of merch there alongside with ur music and bandcamp does all the tradetravel to ur pockets directly via paypal…
u can say, fuk all these streaming farms and focus on utube and bandcamp only…
u already have a utube channel…go for frequent content, in best case, since it’s a visual platform, with a concept and a bit more than just stills, showcasing nothing but ur cover artwork while ur track is playing…while even that might work, if ur music really got that “something”…
while bandcamp is the last recordstore of the planet…there, people only spent money for truu quality…so let them listen to mp3’s as much as they want and in case they really wanna own ur music, offer hi res versions to purchase for reasonable prices…
those “if it’s for free, it must be shitty” days are over…but keep in mind, there are heaps of real shit out there every given day anyways, no matter what…so always give ur stuff some little but serious xtra effort…
only if u do so, “they” can tell…
if “they” once realize, ur material just sux, is always aiming for a senseless quick shot, ur doomed, over and out… but once “they” can relate and feel ur really into “it” for good reasons, u still can trust on word to mouth…since everbody wants to share the good stuff…
if u wanna make reasonable profits with nothing but music, with nothing but beeing a truu recording and perforing artist, it’s quite a challenge beyond just producing good tunes…real money is only left in that game, if u get ur ass out there, perform and play ur stuff live and be able to claim that officially afterwards…that’s quite a way to go…
so for now…utube?..YES, check…bandcamp?..YES, check…
some tiktok shorts?..maybe…presence on streamingfarms?..sure but also maybe…
some booking agency?..hell yeah, if u can…
but most of all…never underestimate the groupfactor…no matter how much u work, it’s better if ur part of some comunity…go for contacts beyond ur screen…find same minded people in the real world and co work TOGETHER…and cross promote each other…