Newquay Nauts


A bit that makes me laugh is the number of old Cornish ravers who claim to personally know RJ!

Great music , Luke Viberts work is personally a great favourite of mine the diverse genres and the way he can work a groove !

Some great times back in the day at the Shire Horse near St Ives and the Bowgie at Crantock . Yes we were behind London and Manchester but we had the beaches !

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Shire was ace, but the beach was where I 1st bumped into electronic music while camping in a bunker on the dunes we could here this sound and see lights etc not a clue what it was so we investigated and only found an acid house party in a ruin (1991ish) luckily we were all loaded on relevant substances lol

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First thing I saw when we got here, was a poster for orbital performing in some power plant or something!

Get your point. There weren’t that many people into late 80’s/early 90’s party/rave scene, it was tiny, especially in Cornwall. So when you went to the half dozen venues across the county that catered, you’d see the same hardcore (no pun) faces every time. Meeting someone – even regularly – and knowing them personally gets blurred I suppose, especially when partying :yum:

Knew Luke and Jeremy Simmonds fairly well early 90’s. Yes, Luke is a master groove builder and Jeremy a technician of atmosphere. Also met Richard (through them) a few times. We hung out, created music, even have a few cassette copies of those sessions and other recordings from the era (before you ask: it’s either since been released or is shite quality).

Doesn’t mean that much almost 30 years later. We all moved on and lost touch (pre e-mail/mobile phone). While it would have been nice to stay in touch – likewise many other people down the years – lives change, priorities shift, I just enjoy the reality I live in now, it is obtainable and far more satisfying.


Both great venues, many a happy night out – and a very long walk home if I couldn’t snag a lift onward to another party or the direction of home.


Could be why pasty’s were invented , a portable pie to give ravers enough energy to walk home :upside_down_face: