#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Love the intention of the topic but I’m afraid I can’t commit, not when I am so close to feeling finished on my setup. 2017 and 2018 (and almost 2019 until I cracked buying a Digitone at the end of the year) were already years for me without any new gear. Then I made up for that (and then some) in 2020 and 2021 and I really should go deep now rather than go broad but my wish list is also the smallest it has ever been.


Dunno, if this thread is the right place for posting that?! It like going to a vegan thread and telling them what pieces of animal you consumed on what day.

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As a vegan this resonates with me so I’ve edited my previous post :slight_smile:


Pieces of kit divided by 12 (months)

Could be a cool 2022 plan to make synth lineup and add after a certain time period. Unless you have 12+ devices I guess, then maybe take 2 years.

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I think it would really work. Remove nearly all the options is as close as I can get to starting out, given that I don’t want to sell a bunch of stuff. As for pieces of kit, <12 desktop items, if we include esoteric eurorack oscillators and weird noiseboxes, definitely >12! Then there’s the guitar…

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Yeah idk you can groups stuff I guess and I think utilities like stompoxes should always be able to join.

As long as it feeds your flowstate

For me that’s the big question lately, how to get into that flowstate like the first year of picking up the hobby

Separated jamming a mixing now with a standing jam corner and a desk next to it for working and arranging

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I’m not gonna judge you for saying that cos I’ve practically said something to that effect myself in this very thread but I do think finishing one’s setup really is a myth. :slightly_smiling_face:

In the 2,5 years of synth frenzy there’s been multiple times when I thought my setup was finished - only to succumb to GAS within the next two months. First it was about getting a mono, a drum machine, a poly and a sampler. Then it was about upgrading that mono and poly, then about ”changing things up” (my short but intensive ventures with eurorack), then about ”adding different flavours”. There was a phase somewhere in there when I bought several fancy pedals in just a couple of months. And so on and so on, the circle continues.

And will continue at least to an extent, I’m sure! But hopefully not before 2023.


Are there specific rules to this?

Don’t buy new stuff, other than replacing broken stuff :stuck_out_tongue:


I can see where you are coming from with your “finishing setup”, but I don’t think that is possible.
Remembering the stuff you already own, that is more than enough to keep you busy for the rest of you lifetime. Enhancing that, is totally fine, but calling it “finishing setup” is you pretending something to yourself!


I fully get what you are saying, and even as I was typing that I knew the GAS wouldn’t stop and there are always going to be more things I will be lusting for to add to the setup when I already have everything I need and more.

I’ve edited my previous post so it’s not mentioned there anymore but it basically comes down for me now to my 6u 54hp modular case and the sunken cost fallacy already imparted in that. I got it 5 years ago with just 3 modules as a minimal extra voice for the A4 and then never expanded on it further. Now that I have pretty much everything that was ever on my wishlist (save for a couple of things that I could easily hold off on next year) I’ve gotten to that point where I either finish the modular case or I give up and sell it (at a fair loss since the specific modules I currently have depreciated in value quite a bit). I’m not in a hurry for that but it is something that I want to slowly complete while holding off on any other gear purchases and it’s has been in the planning/waiting stage for 5 years now so I’ve definitely not been blind spending on Eurorack.

I have also bought most of my gear this year second hand and planning to do so for all my next gear purchases also. So it is less of a consumerist or financial impact but of course in terms of making most out of what you have that actually matters none.


Watazumi was a beast!

I put his stuff on whenever somebody talks about shakuhachi music as only for relaxing or blissing out.

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I bought some piano courses at Open Studio for deepening my keyboard playing. I like Adam Maness’s teaching style. Great little selection of solos for learning by ear!


Not sure if I am committing to NGNY, but I appreciate the challenge that y’all are taking on. Hope this is within the spirit. Just discovered the brilliance of Daniel Donato recently and not only is his playing inspiring but his charisma and approach to music. His attention to detail is something else. Does he have a lot of things? Yes. However, this is the first studio tour that makes me want less gear.

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I don’t remember if I saw this in a thread in the forum, I can’t find it in this thread. But for those that have not seen this in this thread…here is a great article…


I purchased “Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World”, read it and took some notes pertinent to this and other books about creativity, Songwriting lodges and the like. Unsurprising for any self-help book, there are a few good points broadly applicable and ballooned to nearly three hundred pages. Will edit my highlights and paraphrase the advice.


That is a good book, I read it off the back of The Shallows (which is also good.) They are what caused me to quit social media (except this forum!) which has definitely helped with my focus at work. And it really helped get me back into reading books again.


Yeh i swear most of these books are blogs/times articles padded out into a book, but yes i will still check out the book for a motivation boost!

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The Frustrated Songwriter’s Handbook also suggests a similar “songwriting lodge” and deep work without using the phrase. Sadly getting friends together in physical proximity (the best) for direct exchange of ideas and collective commitment is difficult.

I’m tempted to start a “lodge” through Elektronauts or at least repurpose Disquiet juntos here for direct feedback, but I don’t have the spoons to commit to doing any organizing AND the work, when I do the former I tend to not be able to do much for the latter :stuck_out_tongue:

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I was tempted to sell some things last night because I feel like I still have too much gear, but my partner talked me down. She reminded me that it’s all a part of the same cycle for me and if I’m trying to take a break from constant buying and selling then I need to take a break from both sides of it.

So maybe I still have too much stuff, or maybe it’s just enough. We’ll see how I feel in a year, but for now it’s staying as it is.