#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Finally, finally a time for all those amazing synth farts I’ve sampled over the years!


I’ve had the panic-gas too.

Although, I think the thread is already working and forced me to do some OT learning so that I can sample a DN loop, then I play that, switch to a drum pattern for that loop, sample that, now I switch to a melodic pattern on the DN and play that over the drum sample, and keep building back and forth. I learned a skill! Yay! One synth and a super sampler really is enough (when the synth is DN, which is a great drum machine.)

Pretty sure even a week ago I would have looked at YT videos for my current GASLust (torso t-1 or Squarp Pyramid) instead. Knowing that I’m not going to buy one stops me from wasting time watching LoopPop.


Yes, definitely. Had been coasting through the rest of 2021 when Sweetwater sent me an email that they had the Waldorf Iridium back in stock. Figured I was still in if I bought it, even though it wouldn’t be delivered until 2022. I hit the “buy now” button on the email. Instead of taking me to my cart at Sweetwater, it sent me to the Iridium page on their site, which said, “out of stock” and then had “alternatives you might want to consider” (other stupid expensive synths in the same price range as the Iridium). Super lame marketing ploy. But, then it saved me nearly $3000 in end-of-year GAS. I have since taken myself off their notifications list. Will wait for 2023 (if ever).

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Time to lock this setup down. 1 reverb pedal to come, but that’s it.


Sort of related to your post, one thing I’ve been kinda reluctant to learn on the Digitone is how to ”manage voices”. The Digitone goes into the lush territory way more easily than any other synth I’ve ever had. A DN pad, lead, smooth bass and arp and I’m on my way to another universe wrapped safely in a warm blanket. That’s also often all eight voices used and no room for drums. (Often the pattern also gets close to new agey levels of lushness.) Sure I could do the drums on the OT and MD. But I’d like to be able to make complete tunes on just the DN. And we all know it can be done without sacrificing the beautiful DN lush factor (it might actually be a way to bring it down just a notch, in a good way).

TBH, I’m not crazy about sound/sample locking. I get it, it’s a cool feature and helps you get a lot out of just four DN tracks, for example, but I’ve been absolutely spoiled by the 16 tracks on the Machinedrum. And compared to that sound locking is just a bit of a PITA.

Long story short, learning to manage voices on the DN should be on my to-do list for NGNY 2022. Then again, looking at the music I’ve made all my (adult) life basically, cutting down on overdubs has never been my strong suit…


You know that you can lock the Voices in the Voice menu (the mouth)?


Time to watch some GAS inducing YouTube videos of gear you already have :slight_smile:

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With 2022 coming tomorrow and wanting to stick with NGNY22, I had a burst of panic gas to end 2021 and upgraded my Spitfire Abbey Road One to the full collection.

Mate, I’ve watched every single Lyra 8 video on YouTube this last two weeks.

Now I want another Lyra 8.


Yes, that’s something that I’ve paid a lot more attention to on my second go with the DN (so the past couple of weeks). Like I said, it’s part of a broader ”problem” I have with writing tunes. Often I have ideas for more than one lead or arp, for example, plus the unison on the Digitone sounds extremely nice. Plus I still have ways to go as a sound designer on the DN, cos all the sounds just can’t have a long release, ha! But let’s see where I’m at this time next year (45 minutes to new year here in Finland).


Okay. I’m in.

Last minute top off of gear is over; just a patch bay to make it less intimidating to deal with connecting all the gear I have for the next year and an amp I’ve been coveting for years as I’ve been ampless for a while. I’ve got everything I need and then some.

No excuses, no weakness, no slipping. I’m reclaiming my time and bank account from the grips of GAS. I’ve also got debt that needs tending to and I’m getting married in June and that alone promises to be the worlds most expensive kegger, basically.

I’m going to post my current set up tomorrow on the set-ups thread as a marker for myself as to what I want to see my set up look exactly like one year from today. :crossed_fingers:t2:

Let’s do this, we’ve got this…and I couldn’t have picked a better group to do it with. :metal:t2:


Congrats :tada:


I was good to go for the year but ironically got the idea from this thread to start shopping around for a few “just in case” things. Thankfully I *mostly controlled myself.

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It’s officially past midnight here in Suomi Finland. So now it’s on.
We can do this dudes!

Best of luck to everyone in this thread.
And whatever happens, have a great new year!


Added! :raised_hands:

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And to you! Happy (no gear) new year!


Count me in, I did just order a Waldorf M, though it’s not midnight yet. Doing this for financial health!

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Oh man, I feel you. Nice stuff, but these sample libraries are what killed me over the past couple of years. They are not cheap, and I still haven’t really made good use of most of my Spitfire or other big sample libraries I’ve bought, so that’s the major pattern I’m going to try to break in 2022.


Now you have to go Aikido on it, and start making Lyra 8 videos yourself to give everyone else GAS. :wink:

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