#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Is it appropriate, to remind anybody of their commitment, if they are asking ( elsewhere ) for gear recommendations?

I’m thinking it’s not.

I came up with ideas and left my post on that up.
But decided it’s best to delete a second post about NGNY.

Figure it’s absolutely none of my business if someone else does or doesn’t want gear recomendations.

As reference i’m definitely NOT NGNY, though i support anyone who is. But i often post gear purchase encouragement.

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Former Elektronaut here (A4, Octa, DT). I gave up my studio space when my second child was born, sold all my gear and went ITB with Live and Push 2. No regrets there but I still contend with GAS ITB and last year went way too far on plugins. Just want to lend my support to the cause. HNGNY!


Time for a JPGPE thread.

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Yep. Can relate. I currently have around two thousand euros of credit card debt. No biggie. But it’s going to be a lot easier to pay when I don’t buy new gear every payday.

I’m also in the fortunate position of owning a huge record collection as a former dj and a shop that buys second hand vinyl. I can sell my vinyl to my shop when I need money. It’s crazy.


Hell, i started the original Deals Perennial thread and i’m proud of it, though i did put GAS Warning in the title of that thread too.

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Yeah, my debts are several thousands more than that. But I will prevail. @Artsutanav, thanks for the support. Very much appreciated! :yellow_heart:


@Craig @Artsutanav similar situation here. Money I could/should be using better for myself and certainly for my family. Also happy to discuss separately if it’s helpful. I definitely have an addictive personality, which makes GAS a real danger for me. Still I’ve managed to keep sober for 13 years so there’s hope for beating financial irresponsibility as well :slight_smile:


Cheers! @craig @subduct

Anytime, guys.


Aaalright, here it is! Not sure where I was going with the chord stabs tho

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Watch lists, deleted
Elektronauts topics, muted (except some on technique, current sounds & listening & this thread)
Back in stock alerts, deleted
Saved searches, deleted
Pre-orders & wait lists, cancelled

Small steps…


I’m also here to offer support to anyone who wants to talk out their struggles or just vent to an open ear. I’m viewing this no-gear challenge as a staging ground for bigger goals — improving discipline, getting more out of what I already have, channeling energy in more meaningful ways rather than seeking out distractions (e.g. Reverb app).

Here’s to 2022 y’all, let’s do this.


You’re parting ways with Tracker? I thought that was your jam.

Totally, I had to remind myself of that. The cool stuff released this year at initial low prices will be at the same or lower prices a year later most likely. And if it’s THAT good you can buy it at full price and be happy you didn’t waste a bunch of money on other crap you don’t use because it was offered at discount prices.


I’m in and so far no gear for 2022. It will force me to master the gear I purchased last few years so all good! Besides I need the money to fund home renovations and repairs. Home ownership is very expensive!

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The devastating blow that floors me: “You’ll never get there”…

The liberating punchline that lifts me up: “You’re here already”…

This ancient cosmic joke, eternally forgotten then remembered…

Never gets old :partying_face:

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Just to chip in, I have the same. Student loans… 2022 is also the year I start to slay the beast.

In the Netherlands you basically have a lifetime to pay up with hardly any interest but I committed myself to pay within the next 6 years.

Welcome to the excel life I guess haha


Anybody already looking at new gear and thinking about just 1 purchase? I think this is going to be a tough year…

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One thing that might help reduce GAS is defining categories of gear that you absolutely will never need and you can just completely avoid learning or knowing anything about their features/etc.

For example, I know for a fact that I will never ever buy or need a tracker. Just won’t. Personally the same goes for anything modular, single function guitar pedals, anything rack mounted, etc.

Derek Sivers says your default response when you feel scattered should only be “Hell Yeah! or No.” This has helped me.


Yeah. I have some rules, it helps. “Nothing that uses mini jacks” is one. “Nothing with mini keys” is another. Slightly arbitrary but it can be good to rule out whole swathes of stuff that you don’t want occupying mental space.

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In a subconscious way, until now at least, this has helped a lot this past year. Once I stated I’m more of a synthesis kind of person, I discarded ALL samplers from my gear-I-want-to-try list. Not only that, in some ways it helped me to focus on a smaller set of techniques and knowledge.