#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

This thing by itself has prevented me from buying several things.

I’m with the people that say to really lean into what gear you already have.
I have been thinking on what other gear I might part ways with in order to minimize.
Consolidation as well as deep diving into my instruments is my goal this year!

I’ll happily take all of your boxed-up Korg Volcas at the end of the year, no problem :wink:


Ah, I see. I’ve been a little into that too as I try new things and “one in, one out” this past year or two. I get how that can be habitual.
Think about what function or sound crossovers there may be between your instruments and If they are strong enough in their roles compared to your other stuff.
If something’s unique enough, keep it! If its job can done with less, then don’t regret selling.

But if that cycle of buying and selling is the problem, then NGNY this challenge is the right place!

Me too! (I wonder if we can collect our prize in gear?) :crazy_face:

Currently boxed: Moog Matriarch and Vermona Perfourmer. :grimacing:


I suppose they will have to do :grinning:


This is so true. I am self-employed as a family therapist. A few years ago, I self-published a book that clients and colleagues read and thought was pretty good. I sought the advice of a sales consultant to drive some sales of the book (I put a ton of work into it and quite a bit of money on design, typesetting and proofing). She told me, in absolute terms, “you won’t be able to sell this book beyond a few hundred or thousand unless you can get a Facebook buzz going on it, and no brick and mortar will touch it if you don’t have it on Facebook.” Then I found out that being on Facebook to sell my book was almost like having a full time job, and I also hated, hated, hated Facebook. For me, I decided I’d rather forego book sales than deal with all of that. so, I dropped the account on Facebook and have been okay with selling a couple thousand copies to break even. I am glad I wrote it so I can give it to clients for free as a resource between our sessions, when appropriate for their needs.


Yup, my less experienced self would have questioned the decision to by the MC-707 when I already had the MC-101. I can’t deny being tempted by newer synths such as the Take 5, Nymphes, etc. The local shop quoted a good price on a Prophet 5 Desktop that was awfully tempting, but that was right before I learned it was time to replace my roof.

Even though I’d tried out a portion of the 101’s presets that sounded surprisingly good to me, I still didn’t appreciate just how versatile the Zen Core engine can really be. Thus far, having the 707 as the main unit for sequencing, editing, etc. and the 101 as the more portable little sibling has been the right call for me.

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So the plot thickens.

I haven’t returned the Digitone because I realised that I was about to make the same mistake I always do. Buy something, and sell it before I’ve given it a proper assessment.

I was listening to an lp at work today and things seemed really clear that I was making this mistake again.

But I’m also not in the frame of mind to use it at the moment.

So I’ll keep it, but it’s put away until It’s not a distraction.

Still on track then.


I just listened to a bunch of stuff you posted and it doesn’t sound anything like “easy listening elevator music.” There’s plenty of edge in those recordings (and they sound great). Just a little outside perspective.


This is a really good point, and one that I am very guilty of, and has already nearly had me ‘off the wagon’ already (it’s only the 5th Jan!!)… I get something new, love it for a week, then run into some limitations (basically I need to learn it better) but instead I start looking at other things at the same value and decide I need them instead whilst I can still return the initial purchase… so that goes back, I get something else, and the whole thing repeats!!

I nearly fell into that trap yesterday. I bought an Akai Force at the tail end of last year, been enjoying it, but realised that I had until 13th Jan to return for a refund-suddenly started seeing both Lyra 8 and Digitone videos everywhere (typical gass-both devices are totally different but still) decided I needed one and started to plan the return of the Force. Then I remembered this thread. Stopped myself and went upstairs play with the force-found a few new features and realised I am nowhere near even knowing the basics of this tool and that it can do pretty much everything I wanted the other things for (I even ran a lapsteel guitar though a load of effects then into the force with x2 granulators set up and got something vaguely Lyra 8 out of it!!)


I love reading stories like that :muscle:


Yes this is great @Clarke_111 And there is a good advice in there.

In december I bought two modules that came in at the end of 2021… and you know what. I put them in my rack. And…. They are allready out… I hate myself. I am not gonna sell things, I stick to what I have. Not selling and not buying. Lesson learned. The only thing I get in this year is the oxi one that I backed on indigogogo. I am not gonna turn that back, I want it. Paid for it ages ago so don’t shoot me.

Another thing. I am going to superbooth this year with a couple of friends… that will be a hard one…


superbooth can be a fact finding mission. make a list of things to check out later. you also get the luxury of hearing about all the early adopters whine about what the new stuff does or doesn’t do.

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Luckily most of the hardware shown on superbooth is not immediately available so I can straighten my thoughts when I get home and probably think I won’t need the goodies I saw. I did that before so I have high hopes it won’t be a problem this year.

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Yeah it’s only day five so talk (at least mine) is very cheap. It’s also the calm before the storm cos I’m still regularly checking that second hand gear site here in Finland to see what’s there but nothing interesting so far… I’m not likely to fall for just anything but like I mentioned in my first post in this thread if I see a cheap A4 mk1, OB-6 desktop or Pulsar-23, Waldorf M (there are some others as well) that’s going to be the ultimate test for me.

So when that happens, I’ll be here posting in this thread so that someone else contacting the seller will beat me to it. Glad this thread exists! :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: Didn’t mean I’d try to tempt someone else here! Meant I’d post a terribly long self reflection about GAS and everything that lies behind it.


Maybe post in “HW Deals: Hardware On Sale” instead so you tempt the wider community rather than just those who have pledged…?

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going strong so far! i’m still waiting on an amp (that i bought last year) to arrive here. I’m hoping that holds me over for the long year of being cheap and using my current gear ahead!

Pro-tip on using Facebook and Instagram: Hide everyone. Hide all of your friends updates. Never go see their pages. Follow bands, labels, synth companies, pedal builders, art pages and so on. Both facebook and instagram are great RSS feeds if you set them up that way. I don’t see any political shit, I don’t see any useless arguments. I only see stuff I’m interested in, and it’s a very personal experience.


watched a bit of this video this morning while sipping coffee. disclosure (guy?) has been super transparent and generous showing his production techniques on live streams. for all of you still wrestling with GAS, check out how this mega hit uses almost all stock logic instruments and plugins.


Massive fan of these guys, thanks for the link, what an eye opener…:metal:

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