#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Yeah, definitely spend some time with it. I sold mine and sort of regret it. I was looking for smooth mini moog sounds and it always ended up seeming more suited to aggressive sounds, but I think that was just me not knowing what I was doing.

Also, I didn’t have the patience for learning the workflow on it like I should have. I think that a deep dive on this could yield some good results, and sort of wish I had done that instead of giving up so easily. Plus, I think it looks great as well, lol.

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Q1- Fantom 6

Q2- Blackbox

Also, day five down, holding strong :muscle:t2:

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  1. OT and M8
  2. all my gear

to be clear…thats with regard to buying gear :slight_smile:

I likes me a little whiskey from time to time.


Poured 1/3 of a bottle of single malt down the sink on NYE because I liked it a little too much.


ive done that a few times myself :slight_smile:

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A1: my MPC Live II

A2: my Roland V-Synth or my Korg M3

I feel blessed to have such deep pieces of gear hanging around.


Q1- Digitone

Q2- Digitone

I’ve owned it for a few years now and I’m still in surface scratching mode.

That’s kind of exiting.


Q1: Akai Force, just received mine yesterday (trade was made dec 31st dec

Q2: probably the same, but also DN

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I almost did the same with half a bottle of Jim Beam I was quaffing away at.

I decided to treat myself to a booze-free Christmas and just put it away in a cupboard (for guests?) but since the season of good will and quaffing has now passed, I feel suitably inspired to continue through 2022 (and beyond) with a clear head.


1: Deluge
2: 1V/oct The Centre (wavetable osc Eurorack module)

The deluge is an awesome instrument and yet still scratching the surface…

The Centre came in in December and it’s great. Still diving in and I need to dive into wavetables

Be gentle with yourself! You’ve already taken action before you even got your new modules, you’re taking part in that challenge! Be proud!


Well well well. :slight_smile:

I think realistically my answer to both questions is all of my gear! But if I had to choose:

  1. MPC Live or Octatrack
  2. Eurorack (=endless return for effort)
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  1. Nord drum 2

  2. Nord drum 2

  1. Machinedrum + MCL
  2. Machinedrum + MCL

It’s no longer just a goal. We have your word! :slight_smile:

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Q1: DN
Q2: OT

(I am adding this addendum for the forum software, so that the body is clear, and is a complete sentence)

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Mpc one

Push 2

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I’ve spent the last couple of weeks going deep in Pigments, and it really is rewarding… I love how intuitive and instinctive it has become.
Also, it’s sequencer, combined with its vast amount of modulation options, is unbelievable.
I’ve been experimenting with sending Pigments’ midi out to my A4 and Digitone… :exploding_head::heart: