#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Q2: Rytm 2

The DFAM definitely deflated my GAS a bit. I guess I was hyping it up to be something more in my head and found it a bit hard to integrate with other gear. On it’s own it feels a bit limited. It’s been sitting quietly for some time now, I really should give it another go.

The Rytm on the other hand gives me just enough features to work with while setting some limitations that has really sparked some creativity.

Q1: Pro 2
Q2: A4

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Five days in and the first real temptation lurks. A local nice guy I’ve made some trades with previously, suddenly has a Keystep 37 for sale for a good price. I tried to get one like 3 months ago and every place was sold out. Now that I’ve taken the vow, naturally one pops up for a good price in the same city. I’ll resist the temptation.

I already messaged another friend as I noticed that he was selling a PL-2s for a good price and he’s coming to my hometown for a visit this weekend. I don’t consider that a failure as I just want to protect my existing gear, but it feels a bit wrong and guilty anyway.

It certainly is something that I do because I can’t buy gear. ”Well, I’ll spend my money on a decksaver then!” It’s a substitute.

It is hard.


Anyone else experiencing the “second Xmas” from all your last-minute NGNY purchases arriving this week? Just in the last few days: Meris Polymoon, JMT Synths TVCO-2 and DNVO-1, and Retro Mechanical Labs 432K, PLUS a few older pieces of gear that @Scot_Solida was kind enough to repair :slight_smile:

Have one more thing pending but it will be a few weeks, a custom jobber from Electro Lobotomy.


I have one for ya: Right after the new year a working Juno 60 popped up on local classifieds for $900. Man.


This is gonna be a good year for decksaver


Does it count if you know deep down it’ll end up at my house? :stuck_out_tongue:

Come to that, does it count if someone gives you gear? Or is that simply enabling?


Hahahaha. Luckily for both of us I recieved no reply to my query… or else it would have been the quickest NGNY fail ever.

What if two people give each other gear? Heh.


What two people do you have in mind? And what are they “giving” away? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I think you did good :+1:

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Nothing specific, just playing with semantics :slight_smile:

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Is that what the kids are calling it these days? I blame social media.

(also, there should be a rule disallowing me from posting in this thread)


Actually on the same point, I’ve been thinking about loaning gear between friends. For me the #1 reason for taking part in this challenge is to be ecological. To not be wasteful. To live responsibly. The planet can’t take our overconsumption anymore.

It’s probably not in the spirit of this challenge but there should be a ”gear bank” where you could loan pieces of gear and give another piece in return. A bit like a gear library. Everyone of us certainly knows a lot of local gear heads to start something like this. Fight gas by lending gear.

Again, not in the spirit of this challenge, but a beautiful thought anyway.
Maybe I’ll start something like that in my book shop at a later point.


Having an allotment has taught me to loan things like powerdrills, lawnmowers etc. to our neighbours. It’s smart and responsible. Not everyone needs to own their own hedge trimmer. Same thing could easily be applied to music gear too.

Also I did professional dj gigs for 18 years and realized that when something is ”commonly owned” like the house turntables and mixers people tend to treat them like shit. No-one would spill beer into their own dj-mixer at home but at a club that happened all the time. You arrive at the club and realize that the dj from last night has fucked up the whole setup. People are like that, can’t be trusted. So there’s always that to consider too.


Sounds like the start of another epic thread to me. I imagine a lot of non-local gearheads on here would be down.

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it’s probably been discussed before, but i brought it up last year, too.


It really is a great and valid idea.

With my book shop I have around 250 square metres of storage space, most of it is dedicated to books, comics, vinyl etc. but I could easily have a gear bank there too and why not include gaming consoles in that project too. I often would like to play a system exclusive game on a system that I don’t own and don’t want to buy the system just for that one game. I bet there are others like me.


But this begs another tangental question: Is the finding and procuring of gear for such a project still getting “new gear”? Or does it get a pass if it’s for a collective? Great idea either way.

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I would love to see your book shop one day.

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And on that note - I’d be curious to know, where all you people are from? How far are we spread out? Could be fun to add to the list in the beginning.