#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Massy, a suburb of Paris, France

What about you?


it could be done in the “no new gear” spirit if people contribute gear they’re currently not using. everyone in this thread has at least one instrument in a closet. pool those, keep a record of who has what for how long, and it could work.

i mentioned this in the bike thread, but a fellow cycling club member let me indefinitely borrow a tandem bike he wasn’t using. he wanted it back eventually, but it didn’t need to be any time soon. my son and i rode it to summer camp and on family rides until he could ride his own bike, then we returned it with new tires and some other repairs. he ended up loaning it out to someone else in the cycling club soon after. everybody won: he got to free up space in his basement, and other folks got to ride a cool bike.


Stevns - kinda rural part of Denmark, just south of Copenhagen.


there are maybe a few people in the local (to me) boston area who’d be into this on some small scale. there are art spaces and collectives that do similar things for tools and such. a friend belongs to some space that allows members access to their woodshop. some place nearby is more of a general maker space, with welding and metal work tools, electronics repair gear, 3d printers, etc. longer term, i’d be interested in something like this: https://synthlibraryportland.com


I love the gear library idea and have put a decent amount of thought into how it might work. Maybe you require a $$ deposit from each member of the library, maybe you base the lending/sharing around events where people bring what they’re down to share, maybe… something totally different. But I love the spirit of sharing what we have (especially stuff we’re not using) because this gear is so inaccessible for so many.

Anyway I’m in New York. Really cool to see how spread out we all are.


Ormond Beach, FL: “The Birthplace of Speed”, just north of “The World’s Most Famous Beach”

(Also, I am no fan of beaches, or, for the most part, speed.)


Century Of The Self was such an eye opener for me. Definitely made me take a hard look at my consumption habits and the marketing of individualism and consumer identity, particularly toward alternative cultures whose whole thing is supposedly to be above that…

I play a lot of guitar every day in addition to messing with my Rytm and synths. Totally get what you mean, and i think guitar is just more expressive and i’m better at it from playing as a kid. I wonder if the gap in expressivity has anything to do with it. Would a Yamaha CS-80 or one of those new expressive controllers change that? I don’t have the kind of money to find out!


Yes there were quite a few parcels today :slight_smile: :man_shrugging:
On the other hand I haven’t felt tempted in the slightest since NY. Long may that continue!


Turku, Finland here, the home of the largest synth related facebook-forum in Finland, that I helped to found but from which I’ve since faded away. That’s why I spend way too much time on this forum.


I will definitely check that documentary out.

That’s a good question. One thing I would suggest is that with a new synth it’s easy to entertain yourself just by the virtue of cool new sounds and tones, but with a guitar there is no buying your way into happiness.

I’m not gifted in any way with guitar so even the smallest achievements really count. Also it hurts a bit (at least for me) to hold chords so in a way that makes it kinda mean more than just comfortably tweaking knobs without even breaking a sweat usually does.

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  1. MBP with Ableton and plugins

  2. MBP with Ableton and plugins

I love hardware and all but over the last 6 months I’ve kinda retreated back ITB and love it. I really don’t feel like I need anything else to make music.


Part of why I can’t commit to NGNY2022 is that if I go back ITB, I’ll probably want a Push or Launchpad. And then some other controllers. :grimacing:


cant join because I will get the RC 505 mk2 this year but thumbs up to everyone who joined , hold strong! :crossed_fingers:

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I initially misread this question and edited to make more sense

A1 - all of it

A2 - ER-301…MPC Live…all of it? :frowning:

Currently in Bath, UK. Famous for Jane Austin even tho she hated the place, the Roman Baths, and that awful Netflix period drama Bridgerton.

I’m hoping to move back to mainland Europe (probably France) as soon as I can get my Irish passport sorted out. Brexit is nonsense.

  1. Machinedrum UW MK2 - I use it as a basic (and awesome sounding) drum machine but there are so many features I haven’t even touched. (like all of the re-sampling and mangling capabilities)

  2. Octatrack and Modular - I’ve made several album-length live sets with the Octatrack primarily sampling my modular. It’s a workflow that works for me if I just sit down and put in the time.


Listening to this at work today, only through the first one. Very disturbing and enlightening thus far. Makes me want to sell everything I don’t need to sustain life


Thats great @rockpapergoat about Disclosure

Two years ago I had a ‘I am gotta sell everything’ nervous break down. I didn’t sell anything but for a couple of weeks I grabbed just a laptop and a free copy of Ableton (live lite) that came with a launchpad I bought. I made some great tracks with only ableton stock instruments and fx. The limitations were fun (and sometimes frustrating) lately I think a lot about that time. I have bitwig studio now because of the grid… need to do some more things with that. It’s fun. And it’s easy to grab just the laptop and go…


Physical location: Manchester, UK.
Spiritual home: S Island, New Zealand


I’m from Ypsilanti, Michigan but recently moved about an hour west of Little Rock, Arkansas.
From the outskirts of electro mecca to quite possibly the most barren electronic music capitol city in the US.