#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

a short GAS story: since getting more into hip hop style productions and doing some reading/watching of the MPC workflow, i’ve wondered if a pad-triggered sample situation would yield decent results. i’ve used ableton for almost all of my recent music. a push may make sense, but it’s pricy, and i already committed to buying no gear. MPCs also look cool, but i’m not convinced the workflow is for me. then i realized i already have a keylab essential controller with pads that would probably map just fine. i just never use that thing. in the end, my little keystep controller sits with me on the couch to provide all the velocity sensitive triggering i need at the moment. it’s not quite the same for drums fills and such, but it’ll do.

aside: i did download a free vst today. it felt like cheating. on the other hand, i didn’t get it working on first try, so it’s not distracting me.

aside #2: since starting january, i’ve had a bunch of specific ideas beyond just finding some random sample and smashing up something quickly. that feels like a minor success.


Thank you! That looks absolutely amazing…

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That’s so much better of a feeling to me when I dig something out that’s been unused and find a use for it rather than buying something else. Love it. I’m hoping to see a lot of this in this thread over the year. Well done.




Bumper stickers!

That mean and suspicious stare is super appropriate!!
Well done! :rofl:

Had to actually check what the no fear brand is even selling since I’ve didn’t have a clue. I shall remember those eyes when I’m getting distracted.

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I’ve been repeatedly expressing my love for the Machinedrum in the past eight months or so and I don’t see a day coming anytime soon when I wouldn’t consider it my desert island piece of gear. However, after just a couple of sessions today and yesterday with the Octatrack, I’ve started to fall in love with the OT as well (again). I mean, I’ve had it for about 2,5 years now and I’ve used it quite a lot but in fairly limited ways. I’m still a novice but starting to get more and more comfortable with it, which means I’ll have lots of fun times ahead.

Just wanted to write this little love letter to the OT.

Eight days is an awfully short time and I know temptation is always just around the corner but it’s such a great feeling to go ”I love that machine” and have that machine be one I already own.


so far I am succeeding no gear for 2022!


I just did the same thing with the Hydrasynth this evening. Lately, I’d been trying to configure init patches for use with my Linnstrument, which is really fun, but tonight I put the Linnstrument aside, and started crazy stupid mod matrix connections and was lost for a couple of hours. I was thinking, wow, it is so cool and fun to have a single machine bring so much depth and complexity… Dang!

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I had to slow down and learn my gear purchases for the past few years so this no gear came at a great time for me. Besides all the cool stuff I want like a Korg full size MS 20 and ARP 2600 reissue hard to find an$ lot of Eurorack modules on my wish list are in short supply. I do want to complete my Elektron trilogy with a Rytm in the future to play with my A4 and Octatrack.

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I’ve been going deep on my last two major studio additions, the SP404mkii and the Tascam 414mkii.

The amount of mental energy required for troubleshooting alone makes me not want to buy anything for the rest of the year, lol. To me at least, gear doesn’t start becoming really fun until you break through the initial stages and can find your way around without having to think. I’m wiped out. Lol.


Indeed! I’ve applied unsuccessfully to that Gibson plant many a time. :slightly_smiling_face:

Also, hours after I posted about no synths for 500 miles, someone posted a Juno 60 for sale on Craigslist nearby :man_facepalming:t2: that never happens here. Glad I’m not in the market for one.


Idk if anyone has listened to burial - antidawn yet. Whatever his setup is, I’m sure it’s still minimal. Most moving music I’ve heard in a while…. Keep it simple all


Warsaw (Poland) :poland:

Originally from Leeds, U.K. :uk:


count me in.

iam settled


Has anyone sold any kit as a result of NGNY? Part of breaking the GAS cycle for me is addressing some of the guilt about buying things and then leaving them unused, and clawing back some of the money to reduce debt.

At the moment I can’t even think about making music, in part due to this so it needs some action. I do want a more minimal setup but I’ve bought in such a range of synths/capabilities that it’s hard to think of letting them go, even though I don’t use them! Mad isn’t it…


I’ve got a bunch for sale

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Added! :raised_hands:

I think wanting to downscale is the same mental problem as wanting to upscale. Just stick with what you have. All of it.


My version of the challenge does not allow buying, selling or trading any gear so for a year I’m stuck with what I have now.

Bills are piling up and I didn’t get a government fund for entrepreneurs that I was promised earlier so I have to give myself a substantial pay raise and for the time being sell some vinyl to my shop to get by. It’s very expensive to own a car (especially diesel-powered) in Finland. I’d like to sell it but I need it for my business.