#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

  1. Akai Force. My last purchase in 2021.
  2. Nord Lead 2x
  1. Novation Peak
  2. Octatrack

I’m doing OK right now, as I’ve been channeling the thoughts of new gear into “how do I achieve that” with what I have - I came across a couple of vids for some Old Blood Noise Endeavours pedals (in particular the Sunlight and Dark Star reverbs) and so I’ve been programming some template patches in my Beebo which was pretty satisfying - but it could equally done with Reaktor, VCV Rack, most DAWs…

I can empathise with that feeling in reverse to an extent - I decided against getting an OT for this year and instead to focus on my DT, M8, Polyend Tracker as between them I’ve more than enough sampling and mangling opportunities… when I was getting a bit frustrated with a bit of the PT workflow over the weekend I had to quickly nip the doubts in the bud. I think the key thing (for me at least) is to push those thoughts to the side and work through the issue to find a new way to do what I want - I might not end up where I originally wanted to get to but the extra effort leads to something interesting in a different way.


GAS related

I’m out or have I just sinned? As saw a Blooper (my likely weakness) new for less than used prices. However, I’ve done lots of music stuff over holiday period rather than look at or buy synths or think anything was the last piece of jigsaw I needed. Which has been great fun. And got a refund on hydrasynth preorder.

Really enjoying channelling energy into what I have now… and errr a Blooper in a day or two :grinning: Good luck to others!

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This 100%. Cables. One of my new pieces of gear uses RCA jacks. Now I have to order some new cables to connect my effects. Cables and peripherals are like the worst thing to have to spend money on.

One of my other last purchases required a ton of other sub purchases: rechargeable batteries, cables, SD card, etc. The price of all of the peripherals is probably half the price of the machine itself, and I should probably get a case to protect it and keep dust off of it. More money.

Then there’s all the hours just learning basic functions that you could be using making music.

New gear does suck. (I am really enjoying using it though. :wink: Just don’t want to change stuff for a LONG time).

The good thing to report is that I’m finally making good use of all of those software purchases I made the last two years and I’m actually feeling good about buying them now.

For me, this challenge is sort of a time out to digest what I already have, so it’s working!


I never answered these ones. If I can only pick 2…

1: Unidentified Dancing Objects Super6

2: Sequential Pro 3

I got both of these in 2021 but I haven’t had time to work on music for quite a while.

I play them whenever I can. As I start to see where they excel, I know getting to know them will open a world inspiration.

Both are superb instruments and I’d love for them to be extensions of me.

Ha! Little demo I made playing my DN with Ableton’s MIDI effect and a controller. It’s fun exploring what you have!


If you still feel like commiting to the project, you are still in. I’ve noted your sin in the first post.


Although I don’t suffer directly from such illness, I have to say.

I’m from the 90s, I grew up in Africa as my dad works in cocoa trade. Deff in the 90’s there wasn’t much “western culture” in Africa, no malls and luxury shops, hardly any (aggressive) advertising too. Just the big boys, Coca Cola and the likes. All other advertisement where local enterprises or even solitary market shops trying to be heard.

I remember coming back in the Netherlands when I was about 9-10 years old. Looking back now the culture shock was pretty significant and took me years to overcome. In Ghana me and my friends would fantasise entire stories and adventures throughout the day. When it rained or inspiration lacking you’d just sit and literally feel like dying from boredom.

I can’t remember the last time I felt like this. When I came to the Netherlands there was always something to do or to be done. And if you could not think of something, your parents or your teachers would. Doing “nothing” was bad, is bad, it’s frowned upon. It’s funny how after all those years I embodied that exact slogan. I worked my ass off, never stood still, went to all the birthday parties of my friends, never missed a family occasion, joined to see my favourite artist in festivals and clubs and always went to to support my friends gigging. In tandem, my need for things has grown. The clothes I would wear, the tech I’d need and use. Don’t get me wrong I’m by no means a very materialistic person and still I feel that consuming, buying, selling, working and money takes up SUCH a huge part of my energy. It’s literally crazy. I understand that we all have to have our basic needs met but I feel that buying things, the psychological need to buy things you actually don’t need is so scary and disconnected from reality. Ive been there, and fuck I’m still there. I’m well educated, smart, aware of my inner and outer world and still it’s so hard to tell myself I don’t need a new ssd, or jeans, or sweater, or shoes, or sports clothes. Yes, I don’t buy them unless I really feel they would add meaning or something substantial to my life, but even then, if you’re really honest to yourself you don’t need it. Eventhough, I’ve broken the cycle it’s so powerful that the mechanics and reflexes of buying still uses my precious energy on a daily basis. Even if it so subtle and on the background, it’s still there.

What I’m trying to say is that we need a new narrative. A new story to tell ourselves and other of what life really means to us. I know from looking around my circles and on the internet, that people are in desperate need of a new story to tell their selves. We can’t trick ourselves much longer with new iPhones and mythical syntakts. We need to live a life of purity, intent and unconditional love and compassion to our loveones, the people around us and yes even the people we despise.

Fun insight I just gained by seeing a YouTube tab in my browser. Isn’t watching content just shopping for the brain? You’re literally buying new ideas, thoughts and alternative states opposed to your own with the currency of your time and energy.

Excuse my small rant fellow NYNG peeps:)


Keep ranting. It’s good stuff.

I literally just woke up, read that and for the first time in years haven’t had my creeping morning anxiety.


My GAS is non-existent, I’m fully occupied with thoughts of making music. Gear is just the tools of the trade right now, all my daydreams of a more complete or nicer setup have been replaced by dreams of sounds, concepts and artwork.


Thank you, it feels so right what you’ve written here. Food for thoughts…

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I’m still in then. Music is the focus, not shiny things… New ways of doing things, not new toys. From now on…


My pleasure:)

That literally brought a tear to my eye.

Thank you good sir :pray:

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I’ve got real easy way to tame GAS…

It’s taken me back to my roots. As a kid I had nothing. Made do with what little we had. When I finally got a career I was making huge bucks. But still couldn’t spend. But fuck, once I broke the seal, I started buying shit cuz I “earned it”. What stupid reasoning.
I still saved. But I bought shit. Stuff I DEFINITELY did not need.

Anyways, after being out of werk so long, it’s actually put me back on track. It really feels better. But holy shit do I need a job.
I’m telling you, don’t werk for a couple years. Bye bye GAS.

It may actually send you in the opposite direction. It has for me. I’m looking to, and am stoked, to be as lean as possible. Just a couple bits of gear. But I’m no musician, so it’s a little different for me than a bunch of you guys.


Thank you also.

I’m having the best morning thanks to you.

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It appears I never actually said I was in out loud, but have been planning to try and do this too.

Feeling the pull of some watched items on ebay (that could be amazing deals) currently, but trying to resist.

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Did not realize how up to date the first post is, amazing work @Joebas!