#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Added! :raised_hands:

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Thank you! :black_heart:

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Oké, you lovely people, I am thinking out load. And want to share.

It’s not really GAS but it is on my list. My MacBook is from 2010 and still rocking but the time to renew my DAW computer is getting closer… I said that last year as well but it’s still holding. There is a limit somewhere and I am waiting for that point that it dies. I have got the money set aside for that, so when the time comes I can buy a new one asap. It is still a hobby music thing so it is an expensive purchase. That’s why I am holding on to that old machine… maybe it will hold one more year (I hope so)


Where are you, and what do you want to do for work? This forum seems like it might be able to help, should you want it (don’t want to assume you do want help!) in finding work.

I was kinda in the same situation in the fall of 2020. I had a trusty 2009 MBP that worked ok for Logic Pro 9 and I had it pretty much maxed out, so it was perfectly fine for multitracking and mixing (I rely on stock plugins for that anyway). A real workhorse in that sense, and I still use it for that regularly. However, it couldn’t run any current orchestral VSTs, which I needed (yes, needed) to make the album I wanted to make. So I bought a used 2018 MBP (in excellent condition, great specs through this forum actually). Probably the best purchase I made as regards gear. Got the album done in late 2021, which basically wouldn’t have been possible without the new laptop.

I think people often talk about needs when they probably mean wants. For me the point of this challenge is to make myself work harder with what I have in a more focused way. And try to find a way to be honest with myself when I’m thinking about needs vs. wants. Probably the only things I would absolutely need would be replacement for my laptop / audio interface / monitors if they decided to die on me. Here’s to hoping they won’t as I find those pretty boring purchases to make! :grinning:

One more thing: I can only hope my current MBP will last me as long as my previous one, although it’s probably not likely. To me it seems those ~2010 Macbooks are really reliable machines, I have a couple of friends who also still do all their music stuff with those.


Good day NGNYers. So yesterday I found a Casiotone 201 (later found out this was the first casio keyboard) for a good price, including original case/pedals/stand etc and I immediately got in touch to get it. Right now its sits on my desk, and a few thoughts:

  • I acknowledge GAS is running strong in my head, but I believe the very limited nature of the instrument somehow contradicts my typical GAS process, where I obsess over specs/capabilities.

  • My other keyboards (Blofeld & AK) are heavy-hitters in sound design, so the idea was to get the Casio to practice on my playing,without worrying too much about the sound.

  • On-board speaker gives an extra factor of portability, which I have found I often desire.

In conclusion, I feel content with my purchase, and even with it, I still identify with the NGNY spirit.
Cheers! <3

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What I expect from this challenge (and the fact that I will not sell anything either for a year) is to find out what I need but moreso what I can do without. After a year with only this gear, I hope that some keepers, but more importantly some leavers will emerge from my collection. Surely after a year of getting to know what I have, I will be able to know what I need, and thus what I have to remove to get to the essence of my setup.

So in this regard, I also think it’s good to not sell for a year. That way you can discover what slept in its box at the end of it and put it on ebay.


I’m getting a 2011 MBP for free on friday, hope it will be my recording and mixing machine for years and years to come. It runs Reaper, and I only use stock Reaper plugins. Might try Logic 9 though, if it runs better.


Yeah I think there is a difference between need and want… I don’t want to make that purchase but I can’t do anything about it. My 2010 MBP is still rocking and i thought it would be allready dead. I don’t use a lot of vst’s though because I am a hardware person (sometimes have a lot of fun making patches in bitwig the grid) so it’s allright but lately it takes a long time to start up and sometimes it’s doing weird hickups so it’s beginning to die on me.

I expect for this year that I will do with what I have and not buying or selling. And that is allready lots to still learn and make a lot of music. I am planning on releasing new music as well.

Focus on making new tunes and having fun.


This makes no sense to me, but luckily I don’t have to police anybody here. We all walk our own path.


Thanks for not policing me. I do not feel defeated by this purchase in the sense that in my head it serves mostly my music education rather than “gear”. I do not even have to read a manual, that’s a first in a while! Hopefully it will stand as an exception, rather than the rule in '22 is what I meant in my post.

2013 mbp here. Love my machine as well. Truly high quality stuff then. Way smoother than far more specd out windows laptops I’ve tried for music (not a desktop guy).

I’ll say it cost a fifth of what the gaming laptop cost me. far less than some of my music tools and by far the most functional. It’s pretty crazy

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or buy a house- homes cost a lot to maintain and property taxes so forced saving program for me to not buy gear. At least it gives me room and space to crank my music loud without worries and good investment.

I def would, at my age…fuck. still in an apt. i’ll never own a home. never have a room for my music shit. never be able to mix without using headphones. when I run outta gear to sell…i’ll be looking at what type of cardboard has the most insulation.

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I saved for 15 years to buy a home in California the most expensive place in the country to live. Hopefully when I can retire, I sell and buy less expensive place out of state and have money left over for more gear.


Have you heard of Sister Wendy? She was a famous art critic who lived in a small caravan in the woods. Nothing but the essentials. Ive seen people who live in mansions hang themselves from the rafters. Saying this because the you seem down on yourself and what you have may be a blessing. May not seem like it though.


Go ahead and knock me off the list. I swapped out a synth for a complex oscillator.
Maybe next year, I’ll last longer than 12 days. Best of luck, to the rest of you!


Im giving you a like because I admire your honesty, it’s not the end of the world man… :ok_hand::metal:


I imagine this commitment must be twice as hard for anyone who’s gone down the modular rabbit hole…


I’ve removed you from the list, and I’ll look foward to giving it a go with you next year. I respect your honesty, and hope you’ll enjoy your new oscillator :+1: