#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Anyone taking this a step further on a personal level?

2022 really inspired me to plan out my year and live with intention. NGNY fitted right into that mentality, im curious if there are certain dreams or goals you set out to do this year.

Personally, I made a big excel sheet. With all the months of 2022 on the x-axis and all my goals and dreams on the y-axis. I categorised them in 7 themes.

Places to visit
Love life

As a simple example, for movement I set out to run 10k next month, 15k in May, and 20k in September.

The cool thing about excel/sheets is that you can make checkboxes. So I have a checkbox in front of every dream/goal and also a checkbox in the month or months im roughly supposed to finish it.

I’m already so pumped to see 2023 come around the corner with my excel sheet full of checked checkboxes. Should be a great feeling!

Planning to make a long term goal/dream sheet too.


Definitely. I want to make more music, video art and painting, learn how to cook Thai food and completely ignore all things political to the best of my abilities.


you and me both on that last one!

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Ironically this was published on the Guardian but it’s main message is something I try (sometimes unsuccessfully) to live by.


That headline is surely true in many ways. I’m afraid I can’t go beyond that bcs NPNY. :slight_smile:


I used to do that back in the day. but it kinda puts you in a bubble.
extremes are not good. news all day…fucked. not knowing what’s goin on in the world…just as.

had I shut myself out…id prob have gotten Covid for sure.

moderation…FOR EVERYTHING is the key.


Sure. Thing is reading something that you can’t do shit about is just a recipe for depression. So totally ignoring it (for the average joe) is probably the same net result.


This is the hardest part! Hence No Gear New Year . . . Maybe No Gear January (like “Dry” January) would have been an easier start, lol. Oh well, all in!


Moderation even for moderation? :joy:

edit; Just kidding, couldn’t resist.


Yeah, my main goal of not increasing the dollar value of my setup is what I am most focused on, which is fine because I am a pretty ruthless seller once I change my mind on something.

I should probably take a break from forums and such once my setup is static, it is the biggest driver tbh. Which isn’t bad since the info is so valuable when i am considering new gear.

Edit: Youtube is way worse than here, need to block that from my devices.


I have a recommendation in regards to the news issue. I’ve been avoiding them for years, but what I do to stay connected, is to read or hear discussions about current affairs between competent people. So I wait in the second row, so to speak, and instead of a bucketload of shit daily, I just dig a layer deeper, and listen to the analysis. And not daily, I should add. Highly recommended.


I haven’t formally signed up for NGNY, but I tell ya:
for the last few months I’ve been working on a project (writing a bunch of songs for a stage production) where I feel genuine pressure to be productive because
-I’ve quit my job to work on this, and
-there are other people dedicating their time who expect me to deliver.

Interest in gear has disappeared. Every minute I spend looking at listings is time I could be working on the project; every dollar I spend brings me closer to having to return to a day job. Yet I don’t feel deprived, I feel freer. And I’m writing those damn songs at a reasonable pace.


Sounds awesome, all aspects of it! Once it’s ok to shed some light on what kind of production it is you’re working on, I for one would be really interested to know and of course listen to some of the music if it’s possible!

All the best to your project!!


Sounds like you’ve got a good flow going on and your focus is exactly where it should be! That’s the good stuff!!

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Also in the spirit of NGNY, if anyone else has some downtime and looking for an external collab , hit me up with a PM!

Happy to add to any ideas, share mine, or synthesize (hehhh) something from both, I find I’m more productive and likely to complete projects with external obligations. Happy to discuss interests, aesthetics, and outcome. I have fairly broad gear knowledge and art collective + dance/theater collaboration experience, but I’d like more songs written with others under my belt :slight_smile:


I have at least succeeded in this for the last few years. What a shit show :weary:


Good for you! I wish I could say the same, hopefully this year. Yeah, indeed…


The Third Tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous: “The only requirement for membership in Alcoholics Anonymous is the DESIRE to stop drinking.”(Emphasis Added.) I’d be thinking the same thing applies here. If you still want to stop GASsing for 2022, then you’re still in. You “relapsed!” (I hope my tongue-in-cheek references to substance addiction is not offensive to anyone here.)


It’s good been digging deeper into the modular gear that I bought over the past few years to master it. I feel no need for shiny new modules for few years since I need to dig 8nto my stuff and record it.

Yeah, you shouldn’t think you’re out for the year if you stumble in the beginning. I’ve struggled with some addiction and this perfectionnist mindset is one of the reasons people don’t hold on to their attempt. It’s even accepted that it is going to be rough and that “relapses” are part of the process. If there are none, how are you learning how to manage them ? And you still have 98% of the year to succeed!

Regarding news, I really feel the 24h instant feed is bad for us. I’d really like to get back to a weekly summary format. I want to know what happened, not be out of the loop but get out of the constant noise.