#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

I really wouldn’t count those things as new gear. There’s no point in NGNY if you are purposefully crippling your productivity.

New instruments, FX, software, etc… those are the things that stunt your creativity when you’re already awash in gear.

Things like cables, organization items, and furniture are things that help you to use the gear you already have better. Which is a big part of this whole thing.

I would say those things are on the table, literally and figuratively.


Now I’ve got Everything Counts playing in my head, which is not a bad thing at all.
If it really makes a difference to the usability of your setup and you honestly think you need it I wouldn’t say it’s a fail, but if it feels like a sin, it probably is. :slight_smile:

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Been there bro!

(Btw im sure as hell not going to cancel my Avalon preorder from last batch)

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Added! :raised_hands:

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It’s crazy isn’t it. And even more crazy that you have to be careful not to trigger a buying cycle by trying to do the right thing and selling stuff you want but don’t need, mad! I totally get why a lot of people don’t want to sell things during NGNY.

@jeye_musik thank you! The funny thing is, that the music I did manage to work on last year is still all contained in those few boxes, I hadn’t;t made it beyond them.

@rtme you got me :slight_smile:

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With his right hand in the mudra of fearless unobstructed success, no less…


This must feel so much less overwhelming!

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I’m guilty of that as well – just after I signed up for this, I purchased a set of replacement knobs for some of my modules. With different colours and everything, hahaa :woozy_face:

Glad I did though, the modular looks much more like a uniform instrument, instead of one big mess. But I’m curious to how long it will take until I buy decksavers and such.


Anybody gonna clean up wires this year? I really should sort out the underside of my desk. :confused:


That’s a can of worms, I’m never gonna open! As long as everything works, I’m not touching anything…


Ha same :smile:

I totally understand this kind of purchases, I bought white knobs for some of my modules to get a more unified look on my rack. If you’re going to stick with a setup, it might as well look good, right? :slight_smile:


I’ll probably be buying a flight case for my Pro 2 this year, but the way I see it, making it easier to gig with the pro 2 will stop me buying new gear on the basis of it being easier to gig with than the pro 2.



I think the same… looking for decksavers feels like a commitment to current gear.


It really does! This weekend’s job is to deal with the pile of stuff that is stacked up behind the desk,
I have a “keep for now” pile and a “sell pile”.

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It was the best thing I did for my setup in a long time. Completely renews the workspace. Highly recommend it, and it took surprisingly less time to do then I thought it would.

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The last few days I spent way too much time researching new gear. I also went down the iPad apps rabbit hole and ended up buying quite a few. Luckily I saw sense straight away and deleted them and got refunded the next day. GAS is real and I have it.


I’ve found reading or movies are helping to keep me off the internet. It’s difficult as I’m sat at a computer all week for work. But even then, putting on some ambient or noise, or even some rainfall or ocean sounds while I work give my creative brain something to lock on to. Otherwise I stop every 10-15 minutes and watch gear videos :weary:


I have, not by choice though. One of my adat expanders broke. I had to tear it all down and took the opportunity to tidy and clean cables, vacuum down the back etc etc.

Just finishing putting it all back now. Its taken a week on and off.

Looks no different :rofl:


There is a ton of good in this. Especially apt that Ford is talking about audio gear here.

What I was doing with my drum machine was trying to skip learning, attempting to buy talent and accomplishment by configuring my workstation. That’s the promise of buying stuff for your stuff: The Enhancements will make the Experience so much better and give you more of the power of the Object.