#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

It’s a very slippery slope. This is why I’m making it simple and clear for myself: I’m not buying anything. I never needed or really wanted a decksaver and the conditions in my house have not changed that drastically during the last couple of weeks.

Not trying to mock any of the decksaver enthusiasts here but it is kinda hilarious how hot of a topic it has become all of a sudden. :joy::joy::joy:


I love the quote in the article “I don’t buy stuff for my stuff”

It is really eye-opening to see how many companies just make stuff for stuff. Some of the most egregious ones are just funny. I came across this night stand thing for Apple watches and the price tag is just absurd for what it is and what it does. Stuff for stuff.


“To get the full experience” Sure why not…

I’ve got in the habit the last few days, given that I’m not really making much music at the minute (which is usually when the GAS comes calling), of listening to the sort of music I want to make and thinking about how I can make it with the gear I’ve got. It kinda makes me look deeper at my gear, kinda the opposite to watching YouTube shit of people using gear I don’t have.

It’ll probably end up with me sounding waaaaaay too much like Helena Hauff, but I’ll not be in any debt.


Did not know her - doing a quick dive through her stuff. Lex Tertia album really draws me in on first listen. Thanks, interesting.


I mean do whatever. These are personal journeys and goals we have to navigate for ourselves. If I had a deal in front of me for something I had been wanting forever, especially a rare item, I would just go for it like you did. No need for shame or justification, this is just an internet forum. It sounds like you thought through this instead of making a frivolous purchase. For a lot of people here that’s probably the goal more than anything.

Hope the keyboard is fun. Good find.

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After a long time I found a good hour of free time to play my gear tonight. It was perfect and I’m seriously thinking to truly have a nogear year.
Being tired I choosed to make a simple loop from scratch with my DT. A good old four on the floor: kick, hats, snare and after 15 minutes I found the right pattern and begun to move my head. Time for the bass line now! Few notes, the right triks and it begun to work properly and to fit with the drums. After a while it happened: I found the accents and… dang! Pure heaven! I started dancing in the living room. It’s beautiful to meet again this simple magic. I miss nothing :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


So, major lapse today. Set in motion the acquiring of a MPC Live II (owned by my good friend @Scot_Solida ) and a local Behringer 2600. These things will be replacing other gear, but will be first-time purchases and will require time to learn.

So that was, what… just over two weeks? Geez.

I do intend to make no other major gear purchases this year. We shall see.


Mpc one has sold, which means my options are shrinking but also my writer’s block is clearing and I’m becoming more productive again having not done anything of note in the last few months, clearly the constant cycle of learning new gear is bad for my mojo, I’ve been mostly noodling and making beats on my iPad with a little bit of scratching in serato thrown in to spice stuff up a little, hopefully this upwards trajectory continues and propels me into some kind of Ableton mastery this year…


That’s been me all over. This thread is really helping me see it for what it is. Thank you to everyone!


The best sounds I’ve come up with have been when I’ve done this, WITHOUT looking it up on YouTube first!


As others have mentioned before, i also experience that this commitment helps me musically. I have actually spend more time on making and listening to music (relatively, I have very little time to spare at the moment) that would normally be lost on watching endless reviews etc. No surprise there.

What is kind a pleasant side effect is that actually feel that I am less stressed overall and my sleep quality has improved (in between the bottlefeeding moments :sweat_smile:)

Before, i would be watching reviews about all
The gear I was longing for and thinking about how i could finance (and justify) the next purchase. This would cause me stress that could only be temporarily relieved but actually buying the stuff. Soon after, the whole cycle would start again.

I am still experiencing GAS from time to time, especially for the analog Rytm and I do tend to watch jams and other YouTube stuff on it.

However, I am never tempted to actually buy it. Somehow, being able to watch en enjoy other people working on that machine and then not craving for it gives me some weird kind of self-esteem boost. Yes, I do want it, and not buying anything this year can help me save for it so I can fully enjoy it and buy it without guilt next year. Feels good!

What also helps is that I am doing the same for some other stuff that i had a similarly perverse relationship to, such as videogames and boardgames. I am even thinking about how to expand this “not buying anything new” to even more areas in my life (although I am admittedly already pretty minimalist in other areas)


I hadn’t checked in on this blog for a while but I’ve found quite a bit of their writing helpful for NGNY


Top tip: Don’t watch the Netflix documentary about them. You will hate them and see it all as a way for them to make money. I went in thinking I want these ideas in my life but their personalities… :grimacing:


Yeah I did wonder seeing how big they’ve become. I think it was right at the start I was following them more closely. Still, core ideas are good?

Oh yes, the ideas are fine. Less stuff is good for you and the planet but maybe not for capitalism.


Ah the joys of new parenthood, nothing nips spare time in the bud quite like it, it won’t last forever though (I keep reminding myself of this) and I’m sure I’ll miss these days of cuteness and wonderment once they hit puberty and think I’m an ass hat instead of a wizard that magically provides yummy food and comfort…


Ah, you were set up! @Scot_Solida - no regrets? :grin:


Hahaha :rofl:

It was all me.