#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Note to self: Don’t go on the internet.


I managed to get a Strega right before 2022 began.
I’m not very proud of myself :expressionless:

But this means this thread works!
Thank you @Joebas.


i suspect its about a little device (small name too, just a letter and a number), the usual suspect. this thread and the involvement in it has personally helped me with GAS, deleted the email (after brief temptation), and went on with my day.


Thank you for helping me, by being a part of this :+1:

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And… Digitone is gone. This one I was a bit reluctant to sell, but it’s out for the same reasons.


I’ve got about £1200 worth up for sale at the moment. This is the stuff I have no problem letting go of and won’t want to buy back. Already sold ~£300.
That’s probably only 10% of total gear value, but as said above, by not spending more I’m making it better. By paying off any amount, I’m making it better.

Once this lot is gone, we’ll see if there is anything else that fits the above. If I chose, I could sell everything not on the table, and be completely debt free (not just music and other credit card debt, this would pay off a car loan also). Food for thought…


would absolutely suggest going for it, the freedom of extinguishing will bleed through to your music creation more than any piece of gear could IMO. Aggressively paying student loans has been one of the things keeping me focused thru the pandemic. It feels good even if it doesn’t make sense on a purely financial basis (since rates have been low).


I didn’t knew the Syntakt was finally released! I’ve heard it got sound quality issues with the default filter enabled so no GAS here.


Neh. The converters though…


A big part of me wants to. I would still have OT, Rytm, Virus, Avalon on the desk upstairs, plus an MPC Live 2 and SP 404 mk2.
It’s going to be tough to sell on all that kit I’ve obsessed about so much though. I’ve spent so much time doing that they feel like treasured possessions, rather than the brutal reality of being boxes of electronics that I don’t use.
I’ll see how we go!

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It’s just stuff… :wink:


Just checking in. Still have not made a purchase. Received two emails from two different manufacturers about product availability. One is a super hot device right now but I can’t give in to FOMO. I’ve even gone so far as to mute the thread. The other is something I’ve been wanting and on the wait list for since Spring 2021 but I have to reign in the spending. Another kid getting braces and oldest going to college in the fall so, I’m going to enjoy the stuff I have, and I have plenty. Samplers, synths, guitars, etc. I would venture to say that I have some iconic instruments in my opinion (OT, Tracker, OP-1, MPC1000, Moog GM, Les Paul, Jaguar, SG). I’m good. I’m in NA and stopping cold from buying gear is just as hard as quitting narcotics. HOWEVER, if anyone slips, there’s no shame.


And apparently, some of the “stuff” still owns me, at least partly!
But, I already have a better relationship with music gear than even a couple of weeks ago, so I’m looking to keep making small improvements :facepunch: :facepunch:

100% it’s what happens after a slip that’s important - i.e. get back on the wagon!


I have the opportunity to pick up a mint condition Roland SH-101 from 1982 this weekend.
Do I ‘really’ need it? No.
Do I want it? Yes.

I feel like it’s a classic that’s appreciating in price… I really love the 101 sound.
Is it an investment?

One thing I’ve had at the back of my mind for a while with the whole GAS thing… buying new/current gear I see as the main issue, the gear that’s being blasted at us on YouTube, etc… emperors new clothing vibe.
Buying good vintage gear seems like a slightly different scenario to me…

There are far better things to invest your money in than vintage synths.


dunno… only you can make that determination. it reminds me of earlier looking at cheap hammond organs and pianos in local craigslist ads. i could afford them. it would be cool to have something like that. i also don’t have the space or skills to justify buying, so these items will remain on the “nice to have someday” list. there’s no vintage synth i’d put on a must have list, personally.


I disagree in the strongest possible way. It’s exactly the same scenario. Sorry - just being real with you, from my perspective.


It’s truly a great sounding synth and a classic and will surely make you happy for a while, but for how long until it’s just another box in your arsenal?

I understand the temptation since it’s likely my favourite mono but of course I have no idea of your situation with GAS and gear in general, so it’s hard to say.

My guess would be that if you don’t buy it you’ll be happier for having being strong enough to say no and for having less things dividing your attention.


Ok… pulled myself into check.
There’s nothing the 101 is going to give me that any number of other options won’t give me… I have a Sub37, I have a Roland JDXA that I can get really close to it with, I have the Sample from Mars 101 pack loaded in my MPC.
I’ll leave it. :+1:


I’m in a weird situation right now… my reason for joining this is not that I suffer from GAS really, but because I want to use this year to minimise my setup and become a master on this setup (1 synth, 1 sampler, daw).

So I packed up my other gear, and I’m selling the things I don’t miss/ don’t value. So far so good, no hassle.

But this quest of minimizing now has me looking at new gear to reduce my setup even more haha. I currently have a separate audio interface, midi interface and monitor controller. I could find a single interface to replace those 3. It’s a dilemma because it would help to declutter my setup and make things more simple, but would mean I’d buy something new. I could probably break even money wise. Good idea or nah? What do you guys think?