#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Strong move, friend! :muscle:


I think you should keep the setup, as is, unless it’s stopping you from making music.


sounds like you can get stuff done now, though, right? is your current setup actually cumbersome, or do you just suspect that simplifying will be better? i did something similar with running all my hardware through a scarlett 18i8, but it doesn’t make me any more productive. i suppose it would be a different story if you’re constantly wrestling with cables or something.

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Thanks guys, youre both completely right, I can make music just fine. I’ll stick to what I have unless something I need breaks down.


That’s the spirit!!

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in that same vein, the only thing i’d add to my current setup is maybe a patch bay or ADAT expander to allow connecting everything at once. but i also don’t usually make music just at the desk where everything lives right now, so… who cares? if i have to plug and unplug a few things to make a track once in awhile, it’s fine.

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I’ve been so busy at work at my book shop that I haven’t even had time to think about gear. Not new gear, not my current gear.

Until today a customer came in and started to offer me some music gear he would be willing to sell to my shop. I already have one Roland SPD-S sample pad there and a small PA but they’re meant for the upcoming live gigs. I also have some bits and pieces of music gear for sale in my shop (some midi keyboards and a Yamaha QY-100 etc.)

I see a loophole ready to be exploited. I could buy second hand musical instruments for my shop and then borrow them and bring them home for ”test use” because I need to know that they work properly. I already did that with a PS4. Bought one for the shop and brought it home for a test run. It’s been under my tv tested every now and then for a couple of months now.


That’s a tricky one. “Test use” :rofl::rofl::rofl::ok_hand:


Yeah, just keep it in mind for down the line. By then, there might be even better options or your needs might have changed.

That sounds even worse. You’d rarely have a piece of gear mastered. You’d spend a lot of time learning new gear instead of making music, on infinite loop.


I’ve posted this blog elsewhere on this forum before, but I think it has some relevance here, particularly the less is less section.


Just reminding everyone spammed with Torso videos on youtube at the moment that Ableton and the OT can do many similar things if you dig a little into their midi sequencers and effects.

And that a euclidean sequencer sounds fun but it’s really not that hard to use the principles manually!

Saying that for me mainly…

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That’s a great article. “Gear is a trap” - it has definitely felt like one to me.

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I didn’t officially sign up for this, but my intention is to keep 2022 free from new gear. It will not be 100% clean as I expect my pre-ordered Osmose to show up this year. :slight_smile:

Down sizing or focus is not really the objective for me. I have tons of gear - more that I will ever use in my lifetime, but I find It very inspirational. I never get option paralysis - I find some sound that inspires me and move on. I don’t feel guilty about gear sitting unused for some time - as long as everything is hooked up and ready to play when I want to.

I do hope the initiative will save me some cash :slight_smile:


Besides Osmose i am clean, the purchase is actually from 2019. The Korg Drumlogue is still interesting though.

Pre-orders from 2021 are fair game…

says the person with a pre-order still in the pipeline.


I am still waiting on my Oxi One sequencer. Preordered halfway 2021, it should be here next month. So I am getting something new in 2022. I don’t need something else so no new gear purchased in 2022. but as stated before preorders from 2021 are alright indeed.


Nope. :slight_smile:

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I’ve just realised I haven’t looked at ‘your setups’ or ‘your latest purchase’ threads at all this year.
Thank you again for this thread. The key now is keeping up with the changes!


Almost same here, I’ve glanced ironically but that’s it.
My attitude has changed from “oh, cool!” to “oh man, just look at all those lost souls” :joy: