#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

You don’t, you only think you do :slight_smile:


I agree, the last cleanout I did was many years ago but people were far more reasonable.

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Absolutely right. Internet commitments. The less you are involved the less you feel controlled.

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Ah come on, I’m sure you can work around your awkward interaction with the ND3P! At least try to make it to February, maybe a few more days will stop the immediate gas :muscle:

In case it helps, I found a good setup with my ND3P, if you like I can assist a bit, if that would help (maybe not here). Just saying, this, and learning to make my own sounds/tweaks with it, I’m in love with it :blush:


Well, I do if I want drums and melody simultaneously.

Please don’t King Lear me on the “need”. Want | Need | Prefer. If I don’t/can’t make music due to the absence of an instrument, what use is the rest of the set up?

I’d be interested to hear more.

I am out of electrical sockets to plug in the ND3P. In order to have it included I would have to find a new space for my gear, and move it all and set it up there. Which is a pretty big undertaking. Selling ND, and getting something small and battery powered means I don’t have to move my stuff.

It isn’t the workflow or the sound at fault, just a matter of space and sockets.

EDIT: I should say, I might not buy ANYTHING to replace ND. I have been using DN as the drum machine, and sampling a melodic loop, then a drum loop, change, resample, change, sample. loop etc. It works, but it is quite frenetic.


I’ll remove you from the list. Thanks for being a major and positive contributor to the thread :heart:


I think I’ll be selling some stuff after all to avoid having too much stuff that overlaps and doesn’t get enough attention. My good ol’ Perfourmer must go. The A4 can do so many things I’ve had the Vermona for plus more.

It’s stressful for me to own things I don’t use enough. Hopefully this will help a bit with that.

edit: Wavestate and one Shallow Water must go too. I’ll still have one after that…

edit:: Sold the Perfourmer and instead of feeling sad like I thought I would, This feels very right.


I didn’t want to King Lear you, so if my post was felt as a unnice thing it wasn’t ment like that, so sorry for that.

That said: isn’t it possible for you to create an extra power outlet in a way so you can use your N3DP after all?

I think i know the answer but does buying a eurorack case count as gear?

Sure. :joy:

I don’t think so. I mean, I can run an extension, but the room is multipurpose and it would make it pretty messy. Which would mean getting tools and parts to make it pretty, which is costly in time. this is a hobby, and one I spend about 15-20mins a day on at the moment. I’m not about to spend 1-2hrs doing DIY so I can keep the Nord. I appreciate your intervention, but so far, I’m just selling.

EDIT: IF I DO want to DIY, there is a loooooong list ahead of extending power supply in this room.

I think selling the ND3P makes sense. I don’t have to buy something to replace it. If I do, I’ll fess up.


I’m usually kind of neurotic about notifications. I always read my emails as soon as I get them so there’s no unread mails and I need to go click on every red ball just to get rid of them all.

This year I’ve started to collect notifications. As I can’t accumulate gear, I’ll accumulate notifications on certain posts on this forum. 50 is not a lot, I just started my collection this morning. But that number also tells a lot. 50 posts in one day about new gear people have bought recently, it’s insane.


That’s a good way of dealing with it!! I have no idea why that is but I also have to get rid of those notifications. Such a weird thing… It hasn’t bothered me here that much but with FB it was ridiculous, actually that was one of the reasons I realised I must close my account. :rofl:


I’ve muted everything except for about half a dozen threads because of this. Unread notifications really wind me up!
I’d have to click on the topic, and then I’ll start looking at gear, that way lies disaster for me…


Same. I blocked all the categories that I have no interest in. Then it took about a month of diligently muting threads that I had previously read or commented on. Now there’s barely a topic that comes up that I need to manually mute. Although, the amount of gear threads under General Discussion rather than Other Gear is a massive PITA 🥲


Again, not necessarily a binary thing.

Did your old case break? :stuck_out_tongue:

no didnt break :rofl: just want to downsize 104hp x2 to 64hp x2 all the gaps are getting to me :slight_smile:

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Gaps in a modular case are so tough to resist. I think my new advice for people starting out in modular will be: Buy up a bunch of blank panels, ranging 2-20hp, and just use them to fill gaps in your case so you aren’t compelled to pack too much in too quickly.

And keep them around for later because the compulsion to get more modules never really goes away.

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Man, let’s pretend I didn’t see the other thing you’re selling! :grimacing:

Another one of those things I regret selling last year. The craziest thing being I didn’t really get stuff done with it anyway. GAS/FOMO split, ”I can make it work better this time”.

Even though I much prefer the raw sound of the P4mer to the A4 (but let’s not go there in this thread, yeah?) I totally understand your decision. I mean, there’s a reason why my P4mer is sitting in its box right now… Waiting to be shipped to @craig once I fail this challenge? :grinning: