#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Modular was a huge disappointment for me, even though I did learn a lot. Just not worth the mental real estate. More singular hardware boxes give me that handheld gaming system vibe from when I was a kid that’s so much less stress inducing.

Running out of LFO’s and being like “okay that’s fine I’ll move onto the next part of my track”, vs “shit I need to buy more LFOs”.

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Modular just seems like the antithesis of this thread. There’s always going to be something else needed to add basic functionality that is just included on regular synths. And of all that, in most cases (no pun intended) for an elaborate mono synth.


Oh damn, sorry!! Didn’t want to tempt you I swear!! :slight_smile:
I thought writing it here would make it more real and help me keep that decision better and possibly inspire others to let go of the stuff they really don’t ever use.

It does sound lovely no doubt about it but with the A4 and Matriarch it’s not like I’m running out of analog lushness anytime soon. :joy:

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All good, still gear twins 4eva! :laughing: I mean I don’t really want it that much. But it’s a great example of how irrationally gearlust works, for me at least. I’m off to play the piano now.

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Indeed! Have a good one!! :slight_smile:

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Ya, when I see that I keep thinking…holy shit where do these guys get all this cash.
How do you use all that shit!?


You don’t know this, since you’re not reading that topic, but those notifications include a number of ancient photos of Autechre in performance, and a T-shirt bought by @Fin25 that features a flyer design from 1984 for a power electronics band. Threads, as you know, can drift a lot.

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I don’t know for sure if it was a Whitehouse promo because i’m not morally ambiguous enough. It could equally be professing that his love endures and respect for the erstwhile protector of conservative values. Or!!! It could be a shout-out to Davie Baddiel’s pre-3 Lines on a Shirt era… Who knows??

He’s a miserable git but he’s not that miserable.

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I randomly came across this last night. Just under thirty seconds into this crazy performance at Woodstock they pan the crowd, and this crazy bastard brought his own monster-sized triangle. That guy gets it. :joy:

This quote was great too:


Yeah, but let’s not fool ourselves. That is one of the top three fastest growing threads here if not the number one. People buy sh*tloads of gear. And I used to do that too. Bought a little something every payday. Sold something in the middle of the month to be able to afford something else. It was endless.

That used to be basically the only thread I ever posted in. Feels very good having changed that. I try to live ecologically in all my other pursuits, why did I exclude this hobby from that for so long?


I saw Santana live in about 1980. Therewas only about 100 people in the club in Birmingham. :grinning:

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This chimes with me, I was doing sort of the same thing, every month I’d be saying to myself “why not?”…
I don’t drink or smoke or wear super fancy clothes etc. And I’ve worked all month so I deserve it but it’s a lie I got used to telling myself…
I also agree with the ecological side of things and in future I’m going to try and buy used stuff wherever possible, as long as it’s still got the screen protector on :sweat_smile:.


Yep, I’ve had a shitty week with a couple of very annoying customers complaining that they’ve been wronged. This morning after hardly any sleep at all I went to get my third Covid-shot, but instead of going to work, I decided to drive to a nearby second hand charity shop. I felt like rewarding myself for enduring this shitty week. And blimey what I found, the second edition of Blood Bowl in basically mint condition, never played. I bought it instantly, but it’s for my shop, not for my self. Still it made the stress and annoyance go away just for an hour. It was worth it.

Buying gear was very often thought as a reward for myself for working so hard etc.


Fuuuu… My cryptonite, product name deleted. Available 2nd hand locally, from a seller I’ve bought tons of stuff from.

Don’t worry, I don’t have an extra 1600€ right now! Before I probably would’ve found a way. I mean I do have some expensive pieces boxed up. :grinning:


Those will be available second-hand in the future for sure.
As good as it sounds I think it will be the kind of device that many ppl end up selling for being a bit too quirky.


Yeah, definitely! It seems the production/supply has caught up with the demand and 2nd hand prices are slowly starting to come down. I also can’t see it becoming the workhorse it should for me at 1600€.

It’s still only three weeks of NGNY but I’m pretty happy with how, seeing some interesting gear 2nd hand, I tend to go ”why now” rather than ”why not NOW”.


Yeah it’s working!!


In the mid-90’s we used to play Warhammer 40,000. That’s probably my first real encounter with GAS. :joy:


@korpinen @Strutter it’s really working! Some good milestones today:

  • Finally got returns processed for all the stuff I panic bought before NYD
  • Now sold enough kit to pay for the MPC Live II I bought on credit in December
  • Deleted my gear wishlist. Some of those things had become irrelevant with the current minimal setup (no more nightmare MIDI chains) and the rest well, if you asked me to write out the list from memory I’d struggle, so did I really need or even want them that much…?

I still haven’t written any music, but the guilt and anxiety is much reduced and I haven’t felt GAS about a single product yet…