#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

I broke, sorry all.

Blame @Fin25 for selling his M:C today. I bought it. By some random chance (is it payday??) I also sold my A4mkII today. My net equipment is the same…I dunno where that stands for lists and arbitrators, or even my own intentions to go deeper not wider…I dunno. I don’t feel bad, FWIW.


Do you want to be noted for a sin, or removed from the list?

It’s ok, I only sold it so I could buy my dream synth, and in the words of the great man, Joey Tribiani, I’m not even sorry.

*In this analogy, I’m Joey and the cake is a Polivoks pro.

His angry date is this thread.


And how about you @Fin25 - are you leaving the house or just roaming the garden…?

Just checking in - I’ve had a few moments of obsession pop up but not nearly as much as usual. I think it’s good for me to frame it this way; obsessive thinking that leads to gear purchasing/selling. I have a feeling that I might end up selling a couple things this year since I do have a little more than I can regularly use, but I’m trying to hold off on that as well since it leads to more obsessive thinking.

I’ve been using my modular a lot, diving deeper with a few modules that typically get less use, and I’ve managed to create a few things that I find interesting. Also, I’ve been working on finishing a few tracks that I started in December, which feels like a positive step. A lot of times if I leave a track half finished it stays that way, so it’s been good to return to previous recordings.

The only pieces of equipment I actually need/want are a tuner and a multimeter. Not sure if those count as “gear” or if they fall into the same category as deck savers etc. For the tuner, I can just use my phone if need be (which is what I’ve been doing), but a multimeter would be pretty helpful to understand the voltage ranges of a few modules that I find tricky to use. Thoughts?

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I’ll be under the patio in a bout an hour I reckon.

Naaah, strike me off.

I’ve realised I’m ok with a bit of buying and selling, I like the danger.

All the best though.


I wouldn’t consider those gear. Just tools to optimize gear?

Ok, I’ll remove you, but I’m sad to see you go. Enjoy the Polivoks Pro :+1:

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Wait, what? I get to choose if I go to heaven or hell? I think I should be removed from the list BUT I keep the ethos in my heart, and follow this thread with interest, and I wish you all the best of luck.


Damn, falling fast they are, my compadres. I’ll remove you from the list. Enjoy the M:C :+1:


I don’t think I’ve ever asked to be on the list, but I’m committed to doing this. Since some have fallen, I will rise up.


Added! :raised_hands:


So far I am good and no gear this year. Home maintenance and improvement costs are taking priority for me this year over gear. I just spent 7k on new windows and have to pay 7k in property taxes for my home so that blows entire budget for long time on gear. But that forces me to master what I have.


Just noticed I’m not on the list either.

Before adding me… full disclosure, I received a DFAM today but it’s via a trade deal I made prior to Jan 1st. I took it as a favour to the trade-ee, tbh. I’ve not been GASing for a DFAM or anything, and don’t have much real use for it… maybe it’ll work well with my Matriarch at some point, or I’ll just sample it. I think I’m still maintaining the spirit of this thread… I’ve not bought a few things now that I would have ordinarily.


I sure as hell have an addictive personality. Not for drink, drugs or other vices but I’ve basically always collected something.

There comes an age when a kid sells (or blows up) all his toys because they feel childish. I had that too, but recovered quickly. By the time I turned 18-19 I was already buying all my friends’ Nintendo Game & Watches and old Star Wars action figures. I saw value in them long before they actually became valuable/collectable.

Nowadays it’s mostly vinyl and books, but as a collector I’m also wired a bit weirdly as I am very good at letting things go too. Every time I buy a new vinyl record, I need to sell one because space is limited. And I’m fine with that. Needless to say I’ve sold my Nintendo collection three times by now and won’t start again from scratch.

”Collecting” synths was yet another way to fulfill my urge to surround myself with lovely stuff. But I’m getting a lot more fun out of them by playing them and making music rather than just accumulating. My synth collecting hobby turned into a music making hobby finally this year, I hope.

Still, it’s payday this friday and we’ve been watching all the new seasons of the Lego Masters reality show. That has put me on a Lego binge. I’d really like to pick one of these up on friday to ”reward” myself for braving through this somewhat shitty january (low sales and difficult customers). I can imagine all the stress just fading away with me and my gf building this Ecto-1 on the weekend.

But I realize it’s a kind of a placeholder. I can’t buy synths, so I’ll just start buying elaborate Lego sets.


Where is the “official” list located?

Every now and then I get the urgre to buy the millennium falcon kit, not the official one mind you but the lepin block version from China, wish I could afford to blow that amount on Lego but I cant so the behringer style clone will have to do at some point…


Ah yes, fond memories. This is not the biggest one that’s £600 or so…
This was a few years ago. We had to build it twice after I dropped it down the stairs :weary:


Collecting is human. Some of the greatest works of art in the past centuries have been made to satisfy the will of collectors. Some of the most important libraries started from the addiction of passionate bibliophiles. Some collectors erased their fortunes to buy the objects of their obsessions. We love to possess things, we love objects. It is a human being’s prerogative, no other animals are able to love things. Surely it may be an unhealty abit… I know about collectors who needed to buy entire houses only to store their treasures. Is it right? Is it wrong? I don’t know, but it is something truly fascinating!


Diving into my Roland MC-707. There’s a particular pad sound that I want for a song I’m working on, so I started by checking out all the factory presets under the Synth Pad and Poly Key categories, then some of the Zen Core sound packs, and creating a list in a document.

Then I started diving more into the synth engine to see how close I can get to the sound I want by tweaking the presets I found. I’m focusing on the basics like oscillator and filter settings for now.

I’ve also been getting comfortable with the multitude of sequencer functions. One area where investing in the 707 despite already owning an MC-101 paid off, is Scenes - how to select clips that go into a Scene, chaining Scenes, etc. - sooo much easier to see in the 707’s display.