#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

I’ve added you :raised_hands:

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In the first post of this thread :+1:

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Ive just recently completed these. Really loved it and think Ill do one every six months or so. Was really good to do it with my youngest son.

Im rubbish at DIY and building stuffing so its been quite rewarding but I never realised how relaxing it could be.



I don’t have kids. I kinda wish I did though cause buying Lego sets would be a lot more acceptable by the public. And also I can imagine the fun you can have building Lego with your own kid. Your pics just reinforce my urge to go Lego shopping this friday.


Excellent. Do it and enjoy. These took about 7 hours a piece at a fairly slow pace.

Im eyeing up the James Bond DB-5 next. Had spotted the Ecto 1 as well so not doubt Ill get one of those at somepoint.

Would really like the Star Wars Imperial Star Destroyer. Saw a built one at the Disney Store at Disneyland. Far too big to keep anywhere though. Although one can dream (and continue dropping hints to my wife :rofl:)

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Lego all the way! A friend that works there occasionally hooks me up, so I was able to build the Home Alone set with my two boys. We took our sweet time and had a blast. At almost 4000 pieces it’s the biggest set I’ve ever built, and would’ve blown my mind as a kid.


Just checking in again after a while and now we’re buying Lego instead of gear? :smiley:
All good with me. I love Lego.


Precisely. Replace an addiction with a slightly less expensive one :wink:

For anyone ditching or on the fence there is middle ground :

Set a budget.

Use whatever time period you want. The money accumulates in your bank, but you can’t borrow. Everything within your budget is yours to do with as you want ! Put it on paper.

You can put money back in the bank when you sell stuff. Or maybe you want to down size.

How big is your budget ? You decide. Maybe some percent of last year. Or just pick a number you like. You will be able to stay on your budget for a long time, so it doesn’t need to be large.


It was actually agreed that there would be no birthday presents this year, but my wife couldn’t help it and gave me an erm multiclock. I hope that’s okay and doesn’t break the rules?


I failed you all, sorry. I bought the Devious Machines bundle. You can take me off the list.

Wish you all the best.


Sigh. Put me down for a sin. I could not resist. I made the purchase. I suppose it’s possible that I will decide not to take it home with me (I am having it shipped to the store to avoid theft at the doorstep outside my house). I also want to start it up there and make sure it is in perfect working order, because, despite having a reputation of a very solid build, there have been more than what I think is a normal amount of defective units in the wild. And, I don’t entirely trust Guitar Center to sell me an actual new unit (as opposed to a return, which I do not want with this particular synth). I have 45 days to return it, do I get any kind of redemption points if I decide not to keep it? Actually, it is kind of weird. Normally, I’d be 92% jazzed, and 8% doubtful about something like this. Today, due to this thread, and my previous commitment, I am 65% excited, and 35% remorseful and thinking it is kinda dumb, for all the 1000 reasons we have all agreed that taking a year off of purchases is a good idea.


so far so good, although I didn’t see anything tempting. I think I’ll keep putting $ in my saving until 23. If I succeed, my plan is to go for a Prophet Rev2 but who knows by then what I’ll want (if anything).

I’ve connected the Mopho to the Medusa, which makes for pretty cool sounds, both connected to the OT, so I can listen to one or the other or both at the same time. Since the Medusa is 6 voice poly, I can use the one voice of the Mopho as a drone while playing the other notes that trigger the Medusa.

Also planing to take a lesson on the OT to continue honing my skill there. Not having to think about new gear or shop for new gear really feels good and also makes it that I can really focus on the gear I have in front of me. There are so many possibilities just in these 3 machines that I don’t see why I’d need/want other tools.

Anyway - thanks for getting that started! Really fits well with my flow!


We give my two nieces a lego set each every Christmas. Because o way too many people over the families we combined, we stretch Christmas over several days, and we took the day before Christmas Eve, so there is no distraction of other people and other gifts.
After dinner, we sit together at the big table building lego and I look forward to that moment, 360 days a year!


I’m new here, reading for a few months but I am committed to NGNY :wink:

Since I see now how hard it can get, I want to join the list too.

Short backstory: I have been making music with FL Studio back when it was called Fruity Loops from around 2002 to 2006, then it more or less suddenly stopped. I always wanted to get back in with Software, but never took a real effort of learning. Then I spend a weekend at my Cousins a few years ago, who’s living room is more like a studio with modular stuff, analog synths and so on. So I was quite hooked by this “jamming” style of music making, while I was mostly working with loops in FL Studio in the past.

So when Covid came I had a lot of time and nothing to spend money on… And so the GAS began. I started with a NDLR in combination with Logic, then bought a Tascam Model 12 and some Volcas. Then bought a Polyend Tracker mainly for sequencing the Volcas. Then I bought Koma Field Kit and FX for the inner Hainbach. Bought a Microbrute, exchanged it for a Microfreak. Bought a Neutron, exchanged it for a 0-Coast. Bought a Flashback 2 pedal, bought a Mooer Ocean Machine and sent it back. Then bought a NTS-1 and the sinevibes FX as replacement. Realized I had no space to put all the stuff up in a way that it is usable. So I bought a big case and put in all the semi modular stuff and Bastl Kastle & Kastle Drum which I found used. And of yourse a SQ1. Found that the mixer took to much space and bought a Zoom H6 instead, wanting to sell the mixer and the Volcas. When I still wasn’t using that stuff I went on holiday, took the tracker (which was becoming my favourite of all the things) and the NTS-1 with me and also picked up the Model Cycles along the way. I liked it, but it felt too limited, but I knew I wanted to have a kind of groovebox or sampler as main thing. The Tracker would have been it, but the lack of advanced effects and not being able to sample in stereo was a problem with it being my main tool. So I looked at the Octatrack, but finally decied to go for the MPC One, which was the best decision.

Meanwhile I have sold most of it and rearranged the room so that everything I still have is always available (most important imo). I got a Hydrasysnth Desktop so that I have one synth that can do everything when I put the effort in (as a kind of GAS stopper).

So know I still have:

and a PO-32 for holidays :wink:

But it goes on: I think I will put the hydra, the 0-coast, the NTS-1 and the SQ-1 away for the moment, focussing on the Microfreak and the MPC. I am reading the MPC bible and I am getting better every day with the MPC.

I actually bought one thing, which is a small Behringer mixer because the Zoom H6 did not have enough inputs to also connect the turntable and no FX send for the NTS-1, but I think a mixer is no gear :wink: And I am getting rid of the H6.

So let’s see how that will go :slight_smile:


And I wish you the best :heart:

Absolutely! That would remove you sin completely, and command enormous respect on top. Takes true spine to hold it in your hands, and then let it go.


That sounds like a wonderful time!

Added! :raised_hands:

I have to admit I despised you guys (typical GAS denial) when I saw this thread but as the time passes I find myself coming back reading your stories and finding them really inspiring.
Also, I added a few number and I realized last year alone I spent half of my income, 15k EU in gear, of which 8k I sold back and 7k I kept in various forms.
I can clearly recognize my behaviours in 99% of you.
Main traits:
-Compulsive buyer/seller, I get a clear high when I buy and sell things; policy of “one in-one out” brought me here.
-Endless curiosity: what if I add this, I need to know how this works…buys the item, spends one week learning and studying, then sells it again (this is really fun and tought me a lot by the way);
-Envy: see my friends with modulars --> they get more attention than me because people think they are really improvising/cool/artists -->starts getting into modulars.

Maybe I should join.