#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Not decksaver the company but anyway. Got these today along with one for my Matriarch. From Stardust Covers in Portugal.


Purchased in December although I do know buying decksavers was allowed. :grinning:


Ive used Stardust before. Great quality.

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If it helps you the next time you come up with that idea:

When I remove everything that is packed up for selling, I have:
OTmk2, Virus TI, Micromonsta 2 and the M8 as well as a launchpad pro MK3, that I am not quite sure if I let it go.


I packed up things and ended up with OT & Virus too (plus Rytm). Sitting in front of these three very deep machines, I wonder how I thought I could understand/use/need all of my previous pile!

Not sure if I will sell everything that’s packed up yet, but definitely a proportion of it… Some has already gone.

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I enjoy looking at other people’s setups. I don’t think of it as dick measuring at all. It’s people who are excited about their gear showing it off to other people who are excited about gear. I’m sure there’re exceptions, but i’ve never gotten the feeling that someone is showing off in a bad way.

Looking at these setups causes no GAS for me, but I can understand if it does for others.

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Welp, my trusty strymon blue sky just shit the bed, in keeping faith with NGNY i will not be getting a replacement, OT reverb will have to do.
Im gonna miss that beautiful plate verb.
Upward and onward!


Must be a fix eh? Wanna troubleshoot it or has that already happened?

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Gonna crack it open tonight, smells like somthin got fried, might see if strymon does repair

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Ahhh ok! Happy to help if i can:). PM if you like etc.

Eventide charged me $100 (max $200) to debug and repair my way out of warranty Space pedal last year. I’d expect similar treatment from Strymon, though obviously not with exactly the same fee structure.

(Incidentally, the problem was a single resistor)


They do. I’ve dealt with them once when I kicked a knob on my Timeline. They were super friendly and fast but did charge. Worth a shot though.

More NGNY activity:

  • paid off 40% of remaining credit card debt.
  • picked out some more eurorack modules to sell that I wasn’t really using and can do without.
  • Left all buy/sell Facebook groups. My timeline is peppered with people selling kit, which is not bothering me just now but could well do in future. My timeline is now quite dull/safe!
  • Spent an hour with the 3 machines upstairs, got multiple MIDI channels running from OT to Virus and exploring multi presets.

Almost a month in now and if this was as far as I progressed then it’s been more than worth it. Looking for more progress in the remaining 11 though, I’d like to be posting some finished tracks, and contributing to technique questions on here by the end of 2022.


Nice! Paying off debt is a great feeling.

I sold my Nord Drum 3P today. So everything that was not being used has been sold!

  • A4mkii
  • Collider
  • ND3P

My one sin is this M:C , a net reduction but still kind of against the grain. In “deeper” news, I am spendng February in the mountains, and get to take one piece only. I am thinking OT, as a chance to finally learn to use it. If it is THE ONLY THING there, I have to learn. Right?


I’ve paid down my debt with the few items I sold too, feels good to be nearly clear of it, it definitely lightens your mood when you can see the end in sight, and I’m sleeping better too so the cumulative effect of less gear and less debt is a good one for me… living gas free too atm, I have no desire whatsoever to buy anything I dont truly need right now…


I went out and got my (sin) Waldorf Iridium last night. Fired it up and started twiddling the knobs. I didn’t exactly feel guilty due to my participation in this thread, but I definitely didn’t have the usual “wow, that is a cool function” kind of thing, which is pretty amazing considering how advanced and different this thing is. I kept thinking, “do I really need or want this added complexity right now” which is only the second time I remember ever having this feeling with a new music toy (after buying the OT less than two months after buying the A4 last year). So, I might still return it. I’ve got a month to get past the “do I really need this added complexity” and also get past “this new thing it does is so different and cool than my other stuff” to come to an actual more or less rational decision about the purchase.


@Joebas, mark me down for a sin, please.

Not excusing anything, as I have definitely failed this challenge (after talking a big game for ages too :woman_facepalming:), but here are my reasons… Basically, I panicked in December with the deadline looming and bought and sold things, thinking I would need more complexity and flexibility for the coming year. This was a HUGE mistake. So, I’ve back-pedalled this past week, getting rid of OT in favour of my favourite Elektron (Digitakt) and I got rid of the Cobalt8 to go back to basics with a 0-Coast.

While feeling really bummed out when I couldn’t produce anything like I was used to doing before December and contemplating having to break my vows, I now feel so much happier about taking the hit and getting back to my preferred, dead simple setup. But I’m still fully onboard with the challenge and as penance for my sins I will now be trying to keep this going until February 2023 (if not longer).


Still 11 months to go, that would already be a big success!

Why not try till february 2022 for a start and see how it feels?


I don’t think you made a mistake by going back. The mistake will be if you forget the lesson you just learned. :blush::heart:


I know I’ve already pulled out but I do appreciate this thread and am still inspired by the support here.

Just wanted to share a lil something. I’ve alway been on and off with meditating but have been regularly doing 20 minutes every morning. I think it helps me a great deal when it comes to gas and looking at my phone. Meditation is like a mental exercise of letting go and now that I’ve been back at it I think my phone use and gear desire have gone down to a much healthier level. I also think regular exercise has a similar effect on me.

Anyway, just thought that might be worth sharing. Give meditating a try if you haven’t.


I’ll note a sin, but don’t be too hard on yourself for this one. Sounds like a resonable move, if you know, that the old setup worked better.