#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Nope. I’m actually really grateful to this thread. After a year of messing my head up with Eurorack, I thought abstinence might be the solution. What I gained after a couple of weeks is the understanding that buying and selling gear isn’t really my problem, my problem was the sheer amount of energy I wasted thinking about Eurorack.

As long as I keep it within my means, I’m happy. The thought of spending a whole year fighting my urges isn’t a happy thought for me, just as spending every waking hour thinking about modules made me unhappy. I’m gonna choose the middle road, the road where I buy shit I can afford when I want/need to buy it.

Thanks for helping me sort my head out, and good luck to the lot of you.


That is spot on!

But no matter how many cool things you acquire, you don’t gain any more time or energy with which to pay their second prices—to use the gym membership, to read the unabridged classics, to make the ukulele sound good—and so their rewards remain unredeemed.

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And good luck to you! I hope you manage the balance that works :+1:

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Oh man, I can relate…!


Hi NYNG boys & girls,

Yessss, another “I’m gonna get rid of everything announcement”. First, I was planning to make a thread out of like most of us do on the forum, but as this is kind of where it all started I figured I’d post it here. It’s also the only thread I check now and again.

So why? Well, I had these urges for a while now in the last couple of years. I’ve had some big ol’ sell everything and rebuild from the ground up moments. I like big bold transitions. This time around is different though, I’ve noticed how much energy I’ve spent working on my setup the last couple of years, especially intense during my euro endeavors. For me NGNY, is to let it all flow and not worry about my setup and the “next step”. However, in 2021, I haven’t actually bought a lot of things either, making me realize that this month in January I doesn’t feel much different. It’s not a terrible feeling, im not depressed but it still costs energy, mentally. And I want to invest that energy elsewhere.

At the moment I’m at a place in my life where things are changing, and they are changing FAST and in a big way. Due to these beautiful changes, money is slow atm. I want to let go of all things dragging me down and sadly I feel music is one of those things, if not the biggest. Because I have a few thousand worth of gear the voice in my head is reasonable and says, “You haven’t touched it in months so selling it is the way to go”.

I’ve come to see that I still have some passion for music and making music, and its not a I hate it and can’t make anything sound good situation. It’s more a conscious loving (temporary) breakup that will benefit both of us is the long run. I remember my first years producing, it was a blast! But in the last couple of years, I feel like I’m living in the shadows of the dreams I once had. My first vinyl was pretty successful but I’ve never been able to catch that amount of excitement and traction in years. And that’s fine, It’s a hobby, it’s always been a hobby and I’ve always said I’d finish uni over playing gigs and pressing records. It’s simply not worth the effort and money. If I want to make music I’m perfectly happy with ableton and push2, no need for big pricey hardware and FX.

So with that said, I’m going to cancel my avalon pre order (if I can reach Brian lol), sell everything but my MD, Push2, soundcard and headphones. Even my speakers are going out the door. I hope that creatively I’ll find a new spark, reconnect with my drawing and have more space for my writing. At the end of the day it’s just stuff right? (except my MDUW, that was my first synth, we go way back <3)

The need for change is so big, I’m probably going to sell/donate all my clothes too and get some new decent ones, go abroad for a few months and start building a business from the new found space.

Who knows I’ll change my mind but atm this feel like the right step forward! End of an era somehow!! And at the same time I know that taking a real hard break will shed new light on my relationship with making music.

Anyway, I thought you guys would be interested, if not, thanks for letting me vent <3


For those of you getting excited about new announcements, ask yourself why you want something straight away without knowing much about it. Nothing wrong about getting excited but it’s also a perfect opportunity at getting to understand how your mind works.

Maybe tackling GAS not all about willpower?

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This sounds great! Go forth on new adventures. The music has been here for centuries, I’m sure it’ll still be here, if you decide to go at it again.

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Exactly! I can totally see myself making music again with just acoustic percussion bits and a mic in like a year or two.


It sounds like you’ve given it a lot of thought and that you’re ready for new adventures.
Keeping the MD is a good choice for sure!!

Thinking about what motivates people to buy new gear, reminds me of the quote:

“They don’t know know WHAT they’re looking for, and they’ll do ANYTHING to find it.”


Further to my earlier post re the ‘Digitone’ slip, I’ve just received the confirmation that the order was cancelled before dispatch-so I’ve managed to dodge that one… close call though!! Need to keep reminding myself that it’s not the gear!!




A lot of the time I think it is just way simpler: very few people have the time to give to this hobby they’d like, and so buying stuff is a surrogate



I can totally dig it.
Over the last year I’ve only been paring down. And it still feels like there’s too much gear. No interest in replacing anything.

Do it man! It’ll be liberating [I would imagine]. And when the vibe comes back you can approach it from a more focused perspective. You may only want the push and md in the end :slight_smile:

Anyways… :+1:t6:

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It’s not the gear, but it’s the workflow.

That’s why this can be so hard. Because you don’t know until you know.

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It CAN be the gear. Not the individual pieces themselves. But if there’s more of it in front of you that to can use at a time…it can be paralyzing. Where to start…or in my case why do you have so much shit. [not anymore]. But for what I produce…I’ve got too much still, for what i turn out. And I see/hear guys on the forum doing SICK stuff with one or two pieces [excluding fx]

I still blame AFX :slight_smile: . He posted those huge kit lists. All that gear doesn’t make the music. He does. That much gear would just freeze me in my tracks. :cold_face:


I havent bought any gear in years, and I dont plan to this year either, unless someone pops up with a MAM vocoder at a bargain price.
Anyways, can I join the list?


Cuz once you know what you want, you get it, and it’s done

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Certainly! Added :raised_hands:

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