No choke groups for hi hats?

What‘s about trig condition nei with the line on top for the closed hat in conjunction with the open hat on the next track…. or did I got something wrong

Works indeed but OP wants to finger drum with pads, not program.

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…… ah thanks and sorry- better read more closely next time

IIRC none of the Elektrons that have retrig will send it. It’s a feature of the sequencer.

(Not arguing either way on whether this is right/wrong … just that they probably have a constant struggle to keep mostly similar Ux across different codebases and hardware architectures. They likely have to pick their battles carefully with respect to development cost, backward compatibility, as well as utility)

Octatrack can send Trig Counts, and arp, which can be used as a retrig…


Sorry about that, I meant to write ‘note repeat’ in instead of ‘retrig’.

As stated above, the OT can output note repeats [and arp ‘rolls’] in MIDI mode; and I genuinely assumed that the ST and DT could do the same, since a feature like that is pretty standard in many MIDI sequencers.

One wouldn’t know this feature is not there by simply reading the manual. The manual talks about the audio tracks first, then the MIDI tracks.

I read the audio track retrig explanation thinking they left out the MIDI retrig explanation to save space in the manual. (TBH, why would they repeat themselves?)

But hey, that’s for another thread.

Thought I’d mention it here because, to some extent, it relates to hats. :billed_cap:

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Actually, you’re totally right. Machines did dumb it down. This is a good discussion!

There are multiple axes, how hard you hit, where you hit, and the closeness of the upper and lower portions. I think that the Modifier keys are great for this, cause then you have control of decay time independent of velocity, which is a must.

I think the Modifier keys are best because they’re the most real-time. Sure people can do all these automation lanes and locks, but for some of us, real-time entry is the best way to capture an idea/groove