No Chromatic Mode?

Hello Elektronauts,

i am a rytm noob, (but know to play the octa, digitakt & tone) and i am sitting infront of my brand new rytm mk2!

But for know i am a little bi hopeless:(
I am going step by through the Quick Guide and wondering at the point 5.5 CHROMATIC MODE why the pads don’t play chromatic, each pad plays the same tone?!
I tested it for each voice, in in different patterns nothing plays chromatic ?
I am doing it identical to the manual?

Doing i something wrong? Is it a bug? Or is the Unit defect?!

Please help, i hope its only something stupid :wink:

Thank you very much!


Alex : )

If the chromatic button is lit it should play accordingly, have you tried shifting up and down the octaves with the up/down arrows? The pads should change colour to show shifting up and down, from dark to light (I’m colourblind, don’t know the colours).
Double check also that you haven’t pitched the synth/sample so low/high as to make the chromatic mode unnoticeable…

Hope that helps…

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There is an option to deactivate chromatic playback for synth engines, samples or both. You should make sure, that this option is not active!


Thank you!
Where i can find this option?

Ok, thank you! Puh, it was only stupid : ))) Like in the manual written i tested through the factory preset demo songs… there i couldn’t make some changes , i think they are locked.
At a free bank and pattern it plays perfect the chromatic mode!

Sorry and thank you very much!


I am not at hone right now so I cant look into the manual. But it should me noted somewhere there

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Ok, here you go:

The synth part, the sample part or both synth and sample part of the Sound may be chromatic enabled. This is done in the SOUND SETTINGS, see “SOUND MENU” on page 25.

Page 25:

Open the menu by pressing [FUNCTION] + [MUTE]. Use the [UP] and [DOWN] arrow keys to move between the options. Press [YES/SAVE] to confirm your selection. Exit the menu by pressing [NO/ RELOAD].

SOUND SETTINGS opens a menu where various overarching Sound settings are found.

CHROMATIC sets which parts of the Sound CHROMATIC mode, as well as the trig page NOT parameter, will affect:
• OFF means the pitch will not be affected at all.
• SYNTH affects the pitch of the Synth part only.
• SAMPLE affects the pitch of the Sample part only.
• SYN+SMP affects the pitch of both Synth and Sample part


Thank you very much :blush: !
Best, Alex :slightly_smiling_face:

yeah what @kreis said… make sure you have chromatic mode on and then go into the Chromatic page and it will work. One note though - make sure when using a sample and then going to Chromatic mode you dont have the sample pitched all the way up or down. The RYTM’s chromatic mode doesnt adjust the octave after the pitch on the sample page settings.
In other words if you pitch the sample all the way down, Chromatic mode wont go any lower than the lowest pitch setting on the sample page.

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If you are confused about chromatic mode, out this video where I cover it in detail and share some creative tips and workflows!