No job / welfare

As welfare is dismantled, and society is fragmented, it becomes more appealing psychologically to believe that life is fair -, that the poor are poor because they are lazy and stupid, and that the rich deserve to be rewarded even further for being so successful. Believing that people get what they deserve makes it seem like we can control our own destiny through willpower, and makes us less afraid that something terrible might happen to us out of the blue. In reality, life, like nature, doesnā€™t care if you live or die. People donā€™t get what they deserve by any natural law. Only people care about people, and thatā€™s the whole point of society, , to provide a collective insurance against bad luck, at any stage of life.


hi all, I let this thread rest for a while before commenting ā€¦ now is the time ā€¦

rusty : congrats on being self employed. ā€¦ way to go (for me) if you are socially akward (like me) ;p

sicjick: hope you will thrive through your new opportunities which you seem to embrace!

orwell: good thoughts and options for the hardest of cases, luckily for me, I am not just there ā€¦ and hope never will ā€¦

cryptic resonance: thanks for posting this link.,ā€¦ ā€¦ made sense in a lot of ways!

Baddcr: I guess you are right in your views ā€¦

pongfu: omg, omFg ! ā€¦ watched all them videos like 6 or 8 years ago ā€¦ changed my ENTIRE view on humanity, the globe, the system, the blindness, the manipulation etc ā€¦ went down the rabbithole for several years investigating EVERY (conspiracy) theory I could find ā€¦ NOW I am at a point where I say "fuck it! , not going to look at it anymore, this only makes me sick, makes me wonder, doubt my brain and pushes ā€œordinaryā€ people away from me if I attempt to have a conversation about ā€œthoseā€ topics ā€¦ " " "
it is still important to know about those ā€œfactsā€ ā€¦

rex_ mundii : havent seen you on this forum yet ā€¦ wanna say HI ! ā€¦ your points are well thought out, and are ACTUALL exactly what I was aiming for in this post !!

the psychological implications ā€¦.

I do think most people here in this thread have some sort of XYZ because otherwise they couldnt use this forum, the internet or had means of buying boutique synths ā€¦

cant really add more than saying you are spot on , and excellent advice/ points made!

zfigz: good luck with maintaining and achieving decent standard of living! ā€¦ hope your children will grow up with chances to make it ā€¦ certainly sounds like you and your wife are doing their best!

avantronica: ā€œless monarchsā€ ā€¦ when I leave the door I feel like my government is still a masked representation of a king / pope who has their knights with special weapons and uniforms, who are above the law, just like their fucking pets who sit on their tables get fed by the kings and live of the general population who struggles every day ā€¦ I am an anarchist and revolutionist at heartā€¦ but the moment I let this persona out I will go to jail and wont be able to play synths ā€¦hence I suppress my anger ( your anger is a gift)

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waqscal: I looked into your links ā€¦ thanks for posting ā€¦ but this is to me like saying ā€œI wanna play / make make music, I cannot sing and dont play an instument, where to startā€ ā€¦ I do investigate furhter with my social network (already did in fact ! )

freefall: thanks for your take on psychological factors ā€¦ was indeed looking for that by posting this thread ā€¦

MK7: thanks for this interesting method! ā€¦ will keep in mind ā€¦already have a similar system in place, where I put seemlessly unimportant appintsments and dates into my calendar ( martial arts, band practice, dentis etc ) to not look at an empty calendar all week ā€¦ psychologically important imho ā€¦

soltec: thanks for advice!

poonti: thanks for advice!

RICS: this is a reminder for later for you :stuck_out_tongue:

VOS: you say ā€œnothing is foreverā€ ā€¦ what a nice subtle yet stark strong impacting sentence ā€¦ (glad to hear you made it back into ā€œnormalā€ society)

science: thanks for posting your viewsā€¦ I appreciate posting those facts!

Baddcr + VOS : glad to hear you made it away from the streets into ā€œnormal societyā€ ā€¦ gues that takes really balls to not just do it, BUT admit that here in public

naked bob: I would be interested in hearing you long post which your iOS killed ā€¦

Bin: thanks for your thoughts ā€¦

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If you consider being ā€˜self-employedā€™ working on a software editor that no ones going to use, then yeah, yay me. :joy:

Howdy! Youā€™re most welcome!

Funny thing is even though I spent years of bouncing around on & off welfare, I never really learnt any of that stuff until I finally hit my 30s and realised just how bad things were becoming.

Anyways even though Iā€™ve been able to start slowly digging myself out of that hole over the past few years, I get the feeling things are gonna keep getting a whole lot worse for a lot of less fortunate people, and the potential (social) implications of that scares the crap outta me.

Awesome threadā€¦ :+1:

i think people here will like this:

If you consider being ā€˜self-employedā€™ working on a software editor that no ones going to use, then yeah, yay me. :joy:
self-employment is only a nice thing when you can get to a stage where you donā€™t have to worry anymore about being self-employed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
if that doesnā€™t happen, mmmā€¦i would rather work in an office and get paid at the end of the month and be able to spend more time making musicā€¦sometimes i think about itā€¦ach wellā€¦neeextā€¦ :smiley:

This thread is me all over right now. I donā€™t just hate mu job I hate how the whole world runs and the disease that is humanity :+1: gets really boring having this feeling all day. Its not depression, far from it, just staring it in the face every day. Im at work right now. I get paid just under 18k GBP a year and I spend 4 hours a day on my phone. The other 4.5 hours I Slowly do a bit of work. All my time is eaten up by handing over my life and what remains of my youth for enough money to just about live in a shit hole. Not enough space or time to make music, learn languages, do art projects, volunteer - be creative, better myself or help others in other words. Im 26 I have a 1st class honours degree in creative music production

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Iā€™m kinda at the same point.

I have to believe in the Law of Compensation. If you want to improve your situation, you MUST fight the feeling and actually try to be a good worker, especially if you hate your job. If you can actually force yourself to work well and with a sense of urgency, you should be able to find a better, higher paying job.

Good luck. Challenges were made to be overcome!

I admit Iā€™m privileged as Iā€™ve never been in those shoes and I apologize if I come across as condescending. It may sound kind of cynical in this context, but trying to succeed at something you hate doing is a very bad idea in my book. Best case is you will just fail, more likely though you will not only fail, but also ruin your personal wellbeing in the process. The key to success is to do something you enjoy doing at least some of the time. Itā€™s easier said than done and getting there takes a lot of time and energy and for some probably it wonā€™t happen at all. But trying to bend yourself into the shape others expect from you will not work in the long run.

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Iā€™m speaking on a universal principle here. Whatever task you are assigned with naurally itā€™s best practice to approach it with the best spirit- even off itā€™s something you donā€™t like doing.

What Iā€™m saying is- look for another role while he still does his best in his current one

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I like to work hard! This job there just isnā€™t enough stuff to do and its crushing. The work that me and another guy do is just about too much for one person to do reliably in a day and therefore two people do half a days work, spread it out from 9:30 til 6 and nobody cares im on my phone all the time as long as it gets done properly. I sit in a tiny room where the servers for the company are, thereā€™s no air and its a million degrees and each day is an endless refreshing of 3 or so web sites. Im actually on a temporary contract that can be terminated at any time. I applied for full time nearly a month ago and they still havenā€™t got back to me which is shit. Anyway thatā€™s a big moan my life is amazing compared yo so many others

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Iā€™ve certainly had a long string of lousy jobs- Iā€™ve learned that this continues with a mindset. Do whatever you can to keep positive and try to believe that something great is coming(like actually BELIEVE it)- keep your head up and try to be as good an employee as you can be(Iā€™m struggling with this too)

Try to listen to some Bob Proctor for motivation and mindset coaching.

I wish the best for you as I wish it for myself.

Youā€™re on the Elektronauts forum which naturally attracts intelligent people with a great deal of potential- so something will come along if you want it :slight_smile:


Thanks man, we shall see, not the end of the world if it doesnā€™t. Same to you!


I donā€™t buy this whole you have to love your job thing personallyā€”though I think there are some jobs you have to love (or at least like well enough) to do. As a teacher I donā€™t see how anyone can hate the job and do it all, let alone well. Iā€™ve been an adjunct at a couple state Unis for about 10 years now and Iā€™ve had some really sh*t semesters. But I always have students who I get to see improve and those moments of them ā€œgetting itā€ are awesome.

Anyway, back to my original point, you donā€™t have to love your job. Most jobs are just a way to pay the bills and hopefully have some left over for fun. You need to love your life. I understand for some people some jobs are going to be soul crushing monsters. A person needs a passion to be whole, that passion need not be in how they support themselves. In fact, Iā€™d say the average person who supports themselves through their passion probably makes less money than those who do things differently.

Like my fatherā€”late in life he discovered he loves silver and copper smithing to make jewelry, but he canā€™t support they life he has built by doing that. So he does it on the weekends and goes to a craft shows to sell/show his work.

Anyway. Hope the holidays finds all you Elektronauts happy, healthy and wealthy (even if not $$$ wise).