No Midi Notes or Clock arriving at Rytm when all Audio Channels are OFF in Control Panel

I find the 60ms latency of overbridge ridicoulus bad to write music with. it’s ok for recording/mixing, but frustrating to start a track with.

I was using a workaround with the Rytm with Overbridge 1 to work with Zero Latency:
When you turn off all audio channels in the Control Panel then the Rytm VST shows up with 0ms Latency.
And you can still monitor it thru the analog outs of the Rytm - but also send Midi Clock and Notes from Ableton to the Rytm and use the Vst to control and save settings with the Project.

Sadly in Overbridge 2 the Midi Clock and Notes stop working if you cut all the audio channels.
Otherwise the control thru the plugin still works.

Is this a bug or am i missing something?
Any other ideas?


What exactly is the latency causing you problems with?
There always is latency, ableton has delay compensation.

The problem is that adding the Rytm VST adds 60ms latency to my ableton project.

The delay comensation makes sure that everything still runs in sync - but still i get 60 ms delay from pressing a key on the keyboard to hearing my softsynth.

Not what i want, that’s why I was using the workaround.