No MIDI tempo sync?

Hello everyone so far I have had an amazing time with the MD how ever before a show this week end I encounter a problem were I had my computer (Ableton) being the master sending midi tempo control oto the MD the machinedrum reacts and syncs beutifly ,how ever every single drum machine (roland tr8, roland tb3 and animoog ipad using is202 behringer) will not react to the tempo or control bring send from the midi out of MD, is there an option to make this work? so far I tried changing the global settings to external and sync out but nothing really happens :confused: any help would be apreciated it!!

Pretty sure you’re supposed to use the MIDI thru port on the Machinedrum and not the MIDI out when you want to chain hardware together.

For example, the MIDI out on my Octatrack connects to the MIDI in on my Machinedrum, and the MIDI thru on my Machinedrum then connects to the MIDI in on my Monomachine, which syncs up the clock on all three pieces of hardware.

I have noticed it worked when using the midi thru but i loose the ability to send any midi to the tb3 and the ipad :frowning: so frustrating …

buy a midi thru box… midi splitter… the midi solutions quadra thru is cool

great suggestion!! thanks!!!

What you need is a MIDI merger. You need to merge the MIDI OUT and MIDI THRU of the MD in to the TR8 then use the THRU port of that to go to the IPAD.

Alternatively you need to make your MD your MIDI master and re think how you connect everything together,

Thanks for the suggestions, I just purchased an analog 4 Im ditching the laptop going hardware all the way, :smiley: pretty excited!!